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Intertwining wavelets or multiresolution analysis on graphs through random forests
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2018.09.006
Luca Avena , Fabienne Castell , Alexandre Gaudillière , Clothilde Mélot

We propose a new method for performing multiscale analysis of functions defined on the vertices of a finite connected weighted graph. Our approach relies on a random spanning forest to downsample the set of vertices, and on approximate solutions of Markov intertwining relation to provide a subgraph structure and a filter bank leading to a wavelet basis of the set of functions. Our construction involves two parameters q and q. The first one controls the mean number of kept vertices in the downsampling, while the second one is a tuning parameter between space localization and frequency localization. We provide an explicit reconstruction formula, bounds on the reconstruction operator norm and on the error in the intertwining relation, and a Jackson-like inequality. These bounds lead to recommend a way to choose the parameters q and q. We illustrate the method by numerical experiments.



