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A local epsilon version of Reed's Conjecture
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2019.08.001
Tom Kelly , Luke Postle

In 1998, Reed conjectured that every graph G satisfies χ(G)12(Δ(G)+1+ω(G)), where χ(G) is the chromatic number of G, Δ(G) is the maximum degree of G, and ω(G) is the clique number of G. As evidence for his conjecture, he proved an “epsilon version” of it, i.e. that there exists some ε>0 such that χ(G)(1ε)(Δ(G)+1)+εω(G). It is natural to ask if Reed's conjecture or an epsilon version of it is true for the list-chromatic number. In this paper we consider a “local version” of the list-coloring version of Reed's conjecture. Namely, we conjecture that if G is a graph with list-assignment L such that for each vertex v of G, |L(v)|12(d(v)+1+ω(v)), where d(v) is the degree of v and ω(v) is the size of the largest clique containing v, then G is L-colorable. Our main result is that an “epsilon version” of this conjecture is true, under some mild assumptions.

Using this result, we also prove a significantly improved lower bound on the density of k-critical graphs with clique number less than k/2, as follows. For every α>0, if εα21350, then if G is an L-critical graph for some k-list-assignment L such that ω(G)<(12α)k and k is sufficiently large, then G has average degree at least (1+ε)k. This implies that for every α>0, there exists ε>0 such that if G is a graph with ω(G)(12α)mad(G), where mad(G) is the maximum average degree of G, then χ(G)(1ε)(mad(G)+1)+εω(G). It also yields an improvement on the best known upper bound for the chromatic number of Kt-minor free graphs for large t, by a factor of .99982.



在1998年,里德(Reed)猜想每张图G都满足χG1个2ΔG+1个+ωG,在哪里 χGG的色数,ΔGG的最大程度,并且ωGG的集团编号。作为他猜想的证据,他证明了它的“ε形式”,即存在一些ε>0 这样 χG1个-εΔG+1个+εωG。很自然地会问里德的猜想或它的ε形式是否适用于列表色数。在本文中,我们考虑了里德猜想的列表颜色版本的“本地版本”。即,我们推测,如果ģ与列表分配的曲线图大号,使得对于每个顶点vģ|大号v|1个2dv+1个+ωv,在哪里 dvv的次数ωv是包含v的最大派系的大小,则GL可着色的。我们的主要结果是,在一些温和的假设下,该猜想的“ε形式”是正确的。

使用这个结果,我们还证明了k临界图的密度显着改善的下界,其集团数小于ķ/2, 如下。对于每个α>0如果 εα21350,则如果G是某个k列表分配LL临界图,则使得ωG<1个2-αķ并且k足够大,那么G至少具有平均度1个+εķ。这意味着对于每个α>0, 那里存在 ε>0这样,如果G是具有ωG1个2-αG,在哪里 GG的最大平均度,则χG1个-εG+1个+εωG。它还可以改善最著名的色度数上限。ķŤt的次要免费图,因子为.99982。
