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Mollusks and brachiopods of the Capivari marine bed, late Paleozoic glacial Itararé Group, northeast Paraná Basin, Brazil: Paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic implications
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102433
Marcello Guimarães Simões , Jacqueline Peixoto Neves , Arturo César Taboada , Maria Alejandra Pagani , Filipe Giovanini Varejão , Mário Luis Assine

Abstract A 2-m-thick silty shale bed within the Taciba Formation, Itarare Group, Parana Basin, State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, records marine sedimentation in a siliciclastic-dominated, low-energy, shelf setting, during a short-lived deglacial event. The bed is located 100–150 m below the base of the lower Permian, post-glacial Tatui Formation. The marine assemblage is dominated by rhynchonelliform brachiopods, with subordinate bivalves, gastropods and crinoids, recording the highest phylum-level diversity so far identified within a given fossil-bearing horizon in the uppermost portion of the Itarare Group. Two new species are described, one brachiopod Biconvexiella saopauloensis and one gastropod Peruvispira brasilensis. Additionally, shells of Lyonia rochacamposi, Rhynchopora grossopunctata, Quinquenella rionegrensis, Phestia tepuelensis, Streblopteria aff. S. lagunensis, Limipecten capivariensis, Praeundulomya cf. subelongata and Mourlonia (Woolnoughia)? sp. are identified. Crinoid columns were assigned to oPentaridica sp. (a genus based on elements of the columnal). This is the first systematic description of members of the Eurydesma-Lyonia fauna in the northeastern part of the Parana Basin, Brazil. The overwhelming majority of brachiopods belong to Biconvexiella saopauloensis, followed by Rhynchopora grossopunctata. The record of Lyonia rochacamposi closely resembles that of the uppermost part of the Taciba Formation in southern Brazil. Hence, the Capivari marine fauna correlates approximately with that of the upper part of the Taciba Formation. Lyonia rochacamposi also indicates correlation with Permian units of the Sauce Grande-Colorado (Argentina), Huab (Hardap shale of the Dwyka Group), Aranos area (Namibia), southwest Africa, and the Carnavon (Western Australia) basins. These correlations support a latest Asselian-earliest Sakmarian age for the fauna.


Capivari 海床的软体动物和腕足类动物,晚古生代冰川 Itararé Group,巴西巴拉那盆地东北部:古环境和古地理意义

摘要 巴西东南部圣保罗州巴拉那盆地伊塔拉雷组 Taciba 组内的 2 米厚粉质页岩床记录了在以硅质碎屑为主的低能量陆架环境中的海洋沉积冰消期事件。该床位于下二叠纪冰后大图组底部 100-150 m 处。海洋组合以钩足类腕足类动物为主,其次是双壳类、腹足类和海百合类,记录了迄今为止在 Itarare 组最上部的给定化石层内确定的最高门级多样性。描述了两种新物种,一种是腕足动物 Biconvexiella saopauloensis,一种是腹足动物 Peruvispira brasilensis。此外,Lyonia rochacamposi、Rhynchoporagrossopunctata、Quinquenella rionegrensis、Phestia tepuelensis, Streblopteria aff。S. lagunensis、Limipecten capivariensis、Praeundulomya cf. subelongata 和 Mourlonia (Woolnoughia)?sp. 被识别。百合柱被分配给 oPentaridica sp。(基于柱状元素的属)。这是对巴西巴拉那盆地东北部 Eurydesma-Lyonia 动物群成员的首次系统描述。绝大多数腕足动物属于 Biconvexiella saopauloensis,其次是 Rhynchoporagrossopunctata。Lyonia rochacamposi 的记录与巴西南部 Taciba 组最上部的记录非常相似。因此,Capivari 海洋动物群与 Taciba 组上部的海洋动物群大致相关。Lyonia rochacamposi 还表明与 Sauce Grande-Colorado(阿根廷)的二叠纪单位的相关性,Huab(Dwyka Group 的 Hardap 页岩)、Aranos 地区(纳米比亚)、非洲西南部和 Carnavon(西澳大利亚)盆地。这些相关性支持动物群的最新 Asselian 最早的 Sakmarian 年龄。