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Food habits of horses, cattle, and sheep-goats and food supply in the forest–steppe zone of Mongolia: A case study in Mogod sum (county) in Bulgan aimag (province)
Journal of Arid Environments ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.104039
Seiki Takatsuki , Yuki Morinaga

Abstract According to the social changes in the 1990s, livestock population in Mongolia is rapidly increasing, resulting in overgrazing and subsequent degradation of the grasslands. However, little is known about the quantitative food habits of Mongolian livestock. We evaluated the food habits of horses, cattle, and sheep and goats in the forest–steppe zone of northern Mongolia by fecal analysis. We compared fecal compositions at a valley (Place 1) and a riverside (Place 2). Place 1 consisted mainly of Stipa-dominated slopes (93%) while Place 2 comprised Stipa-dominated slopes (77%) and Carex-dominated alluvial flats (23%). Horse feces were dominated by graminoids (60%–70% graminoids), with a high percentage of Carex (30%–40%). Stipa accounted for about 20%–40% in the cattle feces. Sheep and goat feces contained about 30% Stipa and about 40% culms. These results suggest that the food habits of the livestock were affected more by animal characteristics than habitats. The high Carex content in the horse feces occurred because horses roamed freely and could visit Carex swards. Cattle moved near the gers (tent houses) and returned every evening, and it was difficult for them to visit far away Carex swards. Sheep-goats were herded and often grazed on steeper slopes than cattle and horses, explaining the large proportion of culms and small proportion of Carex in the feces. Quantitative food habit studies of livestock is useful for the grassland management of arid regions.



摘要 随着20世纪90年代的社会变迁,蒙古的牲畜数量迅速增加,导致草原过度放牧和随之而来的退化。然而,人们对蒙古家畜的定量饮食习性知之甚少。我们通过粪便分析评估了蒙古北部森林草原区的马、牛、绵羊和山羊的饮食习惯。我们比较了山谷(地点 1)和河边(地点 2)的粪便成分。地点 1 主要由针茅主导的斜坡 (93%) 组成,而地点 2 包括针茅主导的斜坡 (77%) 和苔草主导的冲积坪 (23%)。马粪中以禾本科植物为主(60%–70% 禾本科),有高比例的苔草(30%–40%)。牛粪中针茅约占20%~40%。绵羊和山羊粪便含有约 30% 针茅和约 40% 秆。这些结果表明,牲畜的饮食习惯受动物特征的影响比栖息地的影响更大。马粪中的高苔草含量是因为马可以自由漫游并且可以访问苔藓草丛。牛搬到gers(帐篷屋)附近,每天晚上回来,他们很难去远处的Carex swards。绵羊被放牧并经常在比牛和马更陡峭的斜坡上放牧,这解释了粪便中秸秆比例大而苔草比例小的原因。牲畜的定量饮食习惯研究对于干旱地区的草原管理很有用。牛搬到gers(帐篷屋)附近,每天晚上回来,他们很难去远处的Carex swards。绵羊被放牧并经常在比牛和马更陡峭的斜坡上放牧,这解释了粪便中秸秆比例大而苔草比例小的原因。牲畜的定量饮食习惯研究对于干旱地区的草原管理很有用。牛搬到gers(帐篷屋)附近,每天晚上回来,他们很难去远处的Carex swards。绵羊被放牧并经常在比牛和马更陡峭的斜坡上放牧,这解释了粪便中秸秆比例大而苔草比例小的原因。牲畜的定量饮食习惯研究对于干旱地区的草原管理很有用。