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Non-deterministic weighted automata evaluated over Markov chains
Journal of Computer and System Sciences ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcss.2019.10.001
Jakub Michaliszyn , Jan Otop

We present the first study of non-deterministic weighted automata under probabilistic semantics. In this semantics words are random events, generated by a Markov chain, and functions computed by weighted automata are random variables. We consider the probabilistic questions of computing the expected value and the cumulative distribution for such random variables.

The exact answers to the probabilistic questions for non-deterministic automata can be irrational and are uncomputable in general. To overcome this limitation, we propose approximation algorithms for the probabilistic questions, which work in exponential time in the size of the automaton and polynomial time in the size of the Markov chain and the given precision. We apply this result to show that non-deterministic automata can be effectively determinised with respect to the standard deviation metric.




