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Information system ecology: An application of dataphoric ascendancy
Information Systems ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.is.2019.101486
Michael J. Pritchard , J.C. Martel

Information systems, like biological systems, are susceptible to external perturbations. Similar to flora and fauna in a biome, species of data can be classified within a dataphora. While entropic properties and data geometries can be used to describe local species of data within a dataphora, they are not designed to describe the global properties of an information system or evaluate its stability. Ecologists have used Information Theories to describe macro-level properties of biological ecosystems and statistical tools to evaluate biological systems. This research leverages an ecological perspective to model information systems as a living system. Our findings support the theory of dataphoric ascendancy with Wikipedia having a Diversity Index value of 0.68, within the range of 0.65 and 0.80 that indicates a balanced state. We further support our findings with additional evaluations of other ecosystems including the predicted collapse of the information service known as the Digital Universe. This research allows for an information system’s stability to be (a) characterized and (b) predicted using ecological measures specific to the diversity of data within the ecosystem.



