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An incubating northern giant petrel actively feeds on a Salvin's prion
Antarctic Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954102019000415
Christopher W. Jones , Michelle M. Risi , John Cooper

Pelagic seabirds often nest on islands that are far from productive foraging areas. The Procellariiformes (petrels, shearwaters and albatrosses) are among the longest-ranging seabirds; they have several adaptations that permit them to efficiently utilize distant foraging areas and fast for long periods during incubation (Phillips & Hamer 1999). Giant petrels (Macronectes spp.) are large surface-nesting procellariiforms. They feed both by direct predation and by scavenging carrion, and they are the largest avian predator-scavengers in the Southern Ocean. Among procellariiform seabirds, one partner forages while their mate remains on the nest to incubate their single egg (Warham 1990). Northern giant petrels (Macronectes halli) have incubation shifts lasting up to 17 days (Cooper et al. 2001). In general, incubating procellariiform seabirds do not feed during their shift (Warham 1990). We report the first case to our knowledge of a procellariiform seabird, a northern giant petrel, actively feeding at its nest whilst incubating.



远洋海鸟经常在远离高产觅食区的岛屿上筑巢。Procellariiformes(海燕、海鸥和信天翁)是分布最远的海鸟之一;它们有几种适应能力,使它们能够有效地利用遥远的觅食区域并在孵化过程中长时间禁食(Phillips & Hamer 1999)。巨海燕(大孔虫spp.) 是大型的表面筑巢的procellariiforms。它们以直接捕食和清除腐肉为食,是南大洋最大的鸟类捕食者。在 procellariiform 海鸟中,一个伙伴觅食,而它们的配偶留在巢中孵化它们的单个卵(Warham 1990)。北方巨海燕(大孔虫) 有长达 17 天的孵化轮班 (Cooper等。2001)。一般来说,孵化的原形海鸟在轮班期间不进食(Warham 1990)。据我们所知,我们报告了第一个案例,它是一种北方巨型海燕,它在孵化时积极地在巢中觅食。