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Cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of glacial erratics on Horseshoe Island in western Antarctic Peninsula confirms rapid deglaciation in the Early Holocene
Antarctic Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954102019000439
Attila Çiner , Cengiz Yildirim , M. Akif Sarikaya , Yeong Bae Seong , Byung Yong Yu

The rapid warming observed in the western Antarctic Peninsula gives rise to a fast disintegration of ice shelves and thinning and retreat of marine-terminating continental glaciers, which is likely to raise global sea levels in the near future. In order to understand the contemporary changes in context and to provide constraints for hindcasting models, it is important to understand the Late Quaternary history of the region. Here, we build on previous work on the deglacial history of the western Antarctic Peninsula and we present four new cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages from Horseshoe Island in Marguerite Bay, which has been suggested as a former location of very fast ice stream retreat. Four samples collected from erratic pink granite boulders at an altitude of ~80 m above sea level yielded ages that range between 12.9 ± 1.1 ka and 9.4 ± 0.8 ka. As in other studies on Antarctic erratics, we have chosen to report the youngest erratic age (9.4 ± 0.8 ka) as the true age of deglaciation, which confirms a rapid thinning of the Marguerite Trough Ice Stream at the onset of Holocene. This result is consistent with other cosmogenic age data and other proxies (marine and lacustrine 14C and optically stimulated luminescence) reported from nearby areas.


南极半岛西部马蹄岛冰川不稳定的宇宙成因 10Be 暴露年代测定证实了早全新世的快速冰川消融

在南极半岛西部观察到的快速变暖导致冰架快速解体,终止海洋的大陆冰川变薄和退缩,这可能在不久的将来提高全球海平面。为了了解当代背景的变化并为后报模型提供约束,了解该地区晚第四纪的历史非常重要。在这里,我们在之前关于南极半岛西部冰川历史的工作的基础上,提出了四个新的宇宙成因10来自玛格丽特湾的马蹄岛的暴露年龄,曾被认为是非常快速的冰流撤退的前位置。从海拔约 80 m 的不稳定粉红色花岗岩巨石中采集的四个样本产生的年龄范围在 12.9 ± 1.1 ka 和 9.4 ± 0.8 ka 之间。与其他关于南极不稳定的研究一样,我们选择报告最年轻的不稳定年龄(9.4 ± 0.8 ka)作为真正的冰消年龄,这证实了在全新世开始时玛格丽特槽冰流迅速变薄。该结果与其他宇宙形成年龄数据和其他代理(海洋和湖泊14C 和光激发发光)从附近地区报告。