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Higher rates of liana regeneration after canopy fall drives species abundance patterns in central Amazonia
Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13345
Elisangela X. Rocha 1 , Juliana Schietti 1, 2 , Caian S. Gerolamo 3 , Robyn J. Burnham 4 , Anselmo Nogueira 5

  1. In tropical rainforest, most vascular plants have some capacity to resprout, and lianas are often effective resprouters after canopy fall. However, the diversity of resprouting responses of liana species and the consequence for plant persistence are poorly understood. We hypothesized that variation in regeneration among liana species causes differences in liana species abundance in tropical rainforest through differential resprouting capacity, such that liana species with higher densities produce more resprouts after canopy falls.
  2. We applied a manipulative field experiment investigating the effect of different levels of disturbance on the production of resprouts and adventitious roots in 10 liana species of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) with contrasting abundances in central Amazonia. We selected 15 individuals of each species and assigned the lianas to three distinct conditions: (a) total canopy fall with lianas severely damaged and detached from trees; (b) partial fall of lianas, without visible damage; and (c) intact lianas (control). We tested whether liana species regeneration patterns were related to species density. Liana species density was calculated using previous research on liana species distribution in 30 1‐ha plots systematically distributed in a 6 × 6 km2 grid at the Ducke Reserve.
  3. The number of aerial resprouts produced by lianas under the total canopy fall treatment was twice that of plants under lower levels of disturbance, while the production of adventitious roots did not differ among treatments. Liana species showed different intensities of resprouting, and species with higher average densities on the forest landscape had more resprouts after the total canopy fall treatment.
  4. Synthesis . Our results shed new light on the factors that influence liana species abundance, highlighting the role of resprouting after canopy fall and its variation among liana species. Resprouting mitigates the negative effects of canopy damage, suggesting that the impact of increased tree fall disturbances over time, which has been attributed to Amazonian forests in the literature, may increase already abundant liana species with effective resprouting capacity. We identify liana species that are more resilient to disturbance and may alter forest dynamics during climatic change.



  1. 在热带雨林中,大多数维管束植物具有一定的萌芽能力,藤本植物通常是冠层掉落后的有效繁殖体。但是,人们对藤本植物物种的发芽反应的多样性及其对植物持久性的影响知之甚少。我们假设藤本植物物种之间的再生差异通过不同的再生能力导致热带雨林中藤本植物物种丰度的差异,从而高密度的藤本植物在冠层掉落后产生更多的新芽。
  2. 我们应用了一个操作性现场实验,调查了不同级别的干扰对比格诺涅族(Bignoniaceae)部落10个藤本植物的新芽和不定根产生的影响,而亚马逊中部的丰度却相反。我们选择了每个物种的15个个体,并将藤本植物分配给三种不同的条件:(a)冠层全落下,藤本植物受到严重破坏并脱离树木;(b)藤本植物部分掉落,无明显损坏;(c)完整的藤本植物(对照)。我们测试了藤本植物的物种再生模式是否与物种密度有关。藤本植物物种密度是根据先前在Ducke保护区以6×6 km 2网格系统分布的30个1公顷样地中藤本植物物种分布的研究计算得出的。
  3. 在整个冠层下降处理下,藤本植物产生的空中新芽数量是处于较低干扰水平下的植物的两倍,而不定根的产生在处理之间没有差异。藤本植物物种的萌芽强度不同,在整个冠层秋天处理后,森林景观中平均密度较高的物种的新芽更多。
  4. 综合。我们的结果为影响藤本植物物种丰富度的因素提供了新的线索,强调了冠层掉落后藤蔓重生的作用及其在藤本植物之间的变异。重新萌发减轻了树冠破坏的负面影响,表明随着时间的流逝,越来越多的树木倒塌干扰的影响(在文献中归因于亚马逊森林)可能会增加已经丰富的藤本植物物种,并具有有效的重新萌发能力。我们确定藤本植物物种具有更强的抗干扰能力,并可能在气候变化期间改变森林动态。