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Recent seismicity in northern European Russia
Journal of Seismology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10950-019-09883-6
Alexey N. Morozov , Natalya V. Vaganova , Yana V. Konechnaya , Irina A. Zueva , Vladimir E. Asming , Nataliya N. Noskova , Nikolay V. Sharov , Bela A. Assinovskaya , Natalyia M. Panas , Zinaida A. Evtyugina

A revised comprehensive catalog has been made for earthquakes that occurred in northern European Russia for the period between 2005 and 2017. The earthquake parameters were determined to greater accuracy using the same velocity model (BARENTS), the same location method (based on generalized beamforming), combining data from catalogs, bulletins, and (in part) from waveform supplied by regional seismograph networks in Russia and the Scandinavian countries. The resulting unified catalog formed a basis to assess the recent seismicity in northern European Russia, which occurs as low magnitude earthquakes. The distribution of earthquake epicenters is not uniform. The Fennoscandian Shield shows the highest activity (by seismicity rate and epicenter density), the next to follow are the northeastern Russian plate and the northern Urals Fold-Thrust Region. All earthquakes typically occurred at crustal depths.



已为2005年至2017年期间在俄罗斯北欧发生的地震制作了经过修订的综合目录。使用相同的速度模型(BARENTS),相同的定位方法(基于广义波束成形),以更高的精度确定了地震参数。 ,结合了来自目录和公告的数据,以及(部分)来自俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚国家的区域地震仪网络提供的波形的数据。由此产生的统一目录为评估俄罗斯北欧最近发生的地震活动奠定了基础,该地震发生在低强度地震中。地震震中的分布不均匀。Fennoscandian Shield表现出最高的活动度(按地震活动率和震中密度计),其次是俄罗斯东北板块和北部乌拉尔褶皱冲断带。