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Estimating a combined Moho model for marine areas via satellite altimetric - gravity and seismic crustal models
Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11200-019-1067-0
Majid Abrehdary , Lars E. Sjöberg

Isostasy is a key concept in geoscience in interpreting the state of mass balance between the Earth’s lithosphere and viscous asthenosphere. A more satisfactory test of isostasy is to determine the depth to and density contrast between crust and mantle at the Moho discontinuity (Moho). Generally, the Moho can be mapped by seismic information, but the limited coverage of such data over large portions of the world (in particular at seas) and economic considerations make a combined gravimetric-seismic method a more realistic approach. The determination of a high-resolution of the Moho constituents for marine areas requires the combination of gravimetric and seismic data to diminish substantially the seismic data gaps. In this study, we estimate the Moho constituents globally for ocean regions to a resolution of 1° × 1° by applying the Vening Meinesz-Moritz method from gravimetric data and combine it with estimates derived from seismic data in a new model named COMHV19. The data files of GMG14 satellite altimetry-derived marine gravity field, the Earth2014 Earth topographic/bathymetric model, CRUST1.0 and CRUST19 crustal seismic models are used in a least-squares procedure. The numerical computations show that the Moho depths range from 7.3 km (in Kolbeinsey Ridge) to 52.6 km (in the Gulf of Bothnia) with a global average of 16.4 km and standard deviation of the order of 7.5 km. Estimated Moho density contrasts vary between 20 kg m-3 (north of Iceland) to 570 kg m-3 (in Baltic Sea), with a global average of 313.7 kg m-3 and standard deviation of the order of 77.4 kg m-3. When comparing the computed Moho depths with current knowledge of crustal structure, they are generally found to be in good agreement with other crustal models. However, in certain regions, such as oceanic spreading ridges and hot spots, we generally obtain thinner crust than proposed by other models, which is likely the result of improvements in the new model. We also see evidence for thickening of oceanic crust with increasing age. Hence, the new combined Moho model is able to image rather reliable information in most of the oceanic areas, in particular in ocean ridges, which are important features in ocean basins.



等渗是地球科学中解释地球岩石圈和粘性软流圈之间质量平衡状态的关键概念。等静点的更令人满意的测试是确定在莫霍面不连续面(Moho)处地壳与地幔之间的深度和密度对比。通常,可以通过地震信息来绘制莫霍面图,但是此类数据在世界大部分地区(尤其是在海上)的覆盖范围有限,并且出于经济方面的考虑,使重量地震法相结合成为一种更为现实的方法。确定海洋区域的莫霍面成分的高分辨率要求将重量数据和地震数据结合起来,以大大减少地震数据的差距。在这项研究中,我们估计全球海洋地区的Moho成分分辨率为1 °通过使用重量数据的Vening Meinesz-Moritz方法应用×1°,并将其与从地震数据得出的估计值结合在一起,建立一个名为COMHV19的新模型。在最小二乘法中使用了GMG14卫星测高仪得出的海洋重力场,Earth2014地球地形/测深模型,CRUST1.0和CRUST19地壳地震模型的数据文件。数值计算表明,莫霍面深度范围从7.3 km(在Kolbeinsey Ridge)到52.6 km(在Bothnia湾),全球平均水平为16.4 km,标准偏差为7.5 km。估计的莫霍面密度对比在20 kg m -3(冰岛北部)到570 kg m -3(波罗的海)之间变化,全球平均为313.7 kg m -3,标准偏差为77.4 kg m-3。当将计算出的莫霍深度与当前的地壳结构知识进行比较时,通常发现它们与其他地壳模型具有很好的一致性。但是,在某些区域,例如海洋扩张脊和热点,我们得到的地壳通常比其他模型所建议的要薄,这可能是新模型得到改进的结果。我们还看到随着年龄的增长海洋地壳变厚的证据。因此,新的组合的Moho模型能够在大多数海洋区域,特别是洋脊中成像相当可靠的信息,而洋脊是海盆的重要特征。
