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Human–Gelada Conflict and Attitude of the Local Community toward the Conservation of the Southern Gelada (Theropithecus gelada obscurus) around Borena Saynit National Park, Ethiopia
Environmental Management ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s00267-019-01246-8
Zewdu Kifle 1, 2 , Afework Bekele 2

Understanding the extent of human–primate conflict in areas where habitat overlap reaches at maximum level between local farmers and primates is crucial to developing conservation and management strategies. One of the threats of southern geladas (Theropithecus gelada obscurus) is conflict with the local farmers due to cereal crop raiding. This study was carried out to compare the intensity of human–gelada conflicts and the attitude of local farmers toward the conservation of geladas among local communities neighboring Borena Sayint National Park (BSNP) and an unprotected site far from the BSNP. Data from 356 randomly selected respondents were collected using questionnaire interview method. Overall, 92.13% of the respondents considered southern geladas as cereal crop pests. Those major complaints against geladas did not differ significantly between the two study sites: crop raiding (p = 0.435) and competition with livestock for pasture (p = 0.990). Overall, 61.78% of the respondents surrounding the Park had positive attitude while 60.00% from the unprotected villages had negative attitude toward geladas, and the difference was significant (p < 0.001). Most of the respondents from both sites had labor bottleneck and station themselves in the sites to guard their cereal crops from being raided by southern geladas. Respondents from the Park boundaries had more interest on the conservation of geladas than those respondents from the unprotected site (p < 0.001). Conservation education program and better human–gelada conflict mitigation measures should be taken to change the negative conservation attitude of local famers toward the southern geladas.


埃塞俄比亚博雷纳赛尼特国家公园周围的南格拉达(Theropithecus gelada obscurus)人与格拉达的冲突和当地社区对保护的态度

在当地农民和灵长类动物之间栖息地重叠达到最大水平的地区,了解人与灵长类动物冲突的程度对于制定保护和管理策略至关重要。由于谷物作物的掠夺,南方鸬鹚(Theropithecus gelada obscurus)的威胁之一是与当地农民发生冲突。进行这项研究是为了比较博雷纳赛因国家公园 (BSNP) 附近的当地社区和远离 BSNP 的未受保护地点之间人与缨子冲突的强度以及当地农民对保护缨子的态度。采用问卷调查法收集了 356 名随机选择的受访者的数据。总体而言,92.13% 的受访者认为南方鸬鹚是谷类作物害虫。两个研究地点之间对geladas的主要抱怨没有显着差异:作物袭击(p = 0.435)和与牲畜争夺牧场(p = 0.990)。总体而言,公园周边61.78% 的受访者持积极态度,而60.00% 的未受保护村庄的受访者对geladas 持消极态度,差异显着(p < 0.001)。来自两个站点的大多数受访者都存在劳动力瓶颈,并在站点中驻扎以保护他们的谷类作物免受南部荒漠的袭击。来自公园边界的受访者比来自未受保护地点的受访者对保护鸬鹚更感兴趣 (p < 0.001)。