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Landscape context differentially drives diet breadth for two key pollinator species
Oecologia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04543-5
Sarah Cusser , John L. Neff , Shalene Jha

An animal’s diet contributes to its survival and reproduction. Variation in diet can alter the structure of community-level consumer-resource networks, with implications for ecological function. However, much remains unknown about the underlying drivers of diet breadth. Here we use a network approach to understand how consumer diet changes in response to local and landscape context and how these patterns compare between closely-related consumer species. We conducted field surveys to build 36 quantitative plant-pollinator networks using observation-based and pollen-based records of visitation across the gulf-coast cotton growing region of Texas, US. We focused on two key cotton pollinator species in the region: the social European honey bee, Apis mellifera, and the solitary native long-horned bee, Melissodes tepaneca. We demonstrate that diet breadth is highly context-dependent. Specifically, local factors better explain patterns of diet than regional factors for both species, but A. mellifera and M. tepaneca respond to local factors with contrasting patterns. Despite being collected directly from cotton blooms, both species exhibit significant preferences for non-cotton pollen, indicating a propensity to spend substantial effort foraging on remnant vegetation despite the rarity of these patches in the intensely managed cotton agroecosystem. Overall, our results demonstrate that diet is highly context- and species-dependent and thus an understanding of both factors is key for evaluating the conservation of important cotton pollinators.



动物的饮食有助于其生存和繁殖。饮食的变化可以改变社区级消费者资源网络的结构,从而影响生态功能。但是,对于饮食广度的潜在驱动因素仍然知之甚少。在这里,我们使用一种网络方法来理解消费者饮食如何响应当地和景观环境而变化,以及这些模式如何在密切相关的消费者物种之间进行比较。我们进行了实地调查,建立了36个定量的植物传粉媒介网络,使用了基于观测和基于花粉的美国得克萨斯州墨西哥湾沿岸棉花种植区探视记录。我们重点研究了该地区的两种主要棉花传粉媒介:欧洲蜜蜂蜜蜂Apis mellifera和本地独居长角蜜蜂,Melissodes tepaneca。我们证明饮食宽度高度依赖于上下文。特别是,对于两个物种,局部因素比区域因素更好地解释了饮食模式,但是A. melliferaM. tepaneca对局部因素的反应却相反。尽管直接从棉花开花中采集,这两个物种都对非棉花花粉表现出极大的偏爱,这表明尽管在集约化管理的棉花农业生态系统中这些斑块很少,但仍需花费大量精力在残留的植被上觅食。总体而言,我们的结果表明饮食与环境和物种高度相关,因此对这两个因素的理解对于评估重要的棉花授粉媒介的保存至关重要。
