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The alien moss Orthodontium lineare Schwägr. in Poland (East-Central Europe): a summary of nearly 40 years of invasion
Biological Invasions ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10530-019-02190-8
Jan Żarnowiec , Adam Stebel , Damian Chmura

Orthodontium lineare, a neophyte of southern origin, was accidentally introduced by human activity to England in 1910. Subsequently it spread to mainland Europe and it continues to move eastward. In Poland, it was discovered in 1980–1981. The present paper shows dot distribution maps at 10-year intervals and discusses the dynamics of its invasion and ecological preferences using statistical methods. In Poland in 2018 it was known in 235 stands. 86.4% of them were located below 300 m a.s.l. and only 10.2% of the sites reached the lower mountain forest belt (maximum altitude 915 m). On every substrate and in all types of habitat, it commonly produced sporophytes (88.6% of the specimens investigated). Most commonly it occurred on rotting wood (38.5% of all records) and the base of tree trunks (33.9%). Rarely it grew on soil (podzolic and acid podzolic brown soils and humus on rocks; in total 19.0%). Most frequently it was found on the dead wood of Pinus sylvestris (31.3% of all records on rotting wood) and Picea abies (23.2%) and on the bases of P. sylvestris trunks (77.0%). Up to 2018 it was listed in 13 habitat types, including eight EU habitats (two priority), the most often invaded being semi-natural forest (25.8% of all records), boggy woodland (23.4%), mature managed forest developed from old plantations (17.7%), wooded dunes of the Atlantic region (9.7%) and Luzulo-Fagetum beech forest (6.9%). 33 accompanying taxa were found comprising 6 liverworts, 23 mosses and 4 lichens. Of these only 7 species were present in more than 5% of the samples.


外星人苔藓Orthodontium lineareSchwägr。在波兰(中东欧):近40年入侵的总结

线性正畸是起源于南部的新植物,在1910年被人类活动意外引入英国。随后,它扩散到欧洲大陆,并继续向东移动。在波兰,它是在1980–1981年发现的。本文显示了每隔10年的点分布图,并使用统计方法讨论了其入侵和生态偏好的动态。2018年在波兰有235个展位。其中86.4%位于海拔300 m以下,只有10.2%的地点到达了较低的山区森林带(最高海拔915 m)。在每种基质和所有类型的栖息地上,通常会产生孢子体(所调查标本的88.6%)。最常见的情况是发生在腐烂的木头上(占所有记录的38.5%)和树干的基部(占33.9%)。它很少在土壤上生长(坡地和酸性坡地棕色土壤,腐殖质在岩石上;总计19.0%)。最常见的是在樟子松(占所有腐烂木材记录的31.3%)和云杉(23.2%)以及樟子松树干的基数(占77.0%)。到2018年,它已被列为13种栖息地类型,其中包括8个欧盟栖息地(两个优先考虑),最受侵犯的是半天然森林(占所有记录的25.8%),沼泽林地(占23.4%),从老龄化发展而来的成熟管理森林人工林(17.7%),大西洋地区的树木繁茂的沙丘(9.7%)和卢祖洛-法格图姆山毛榉森林(6.9%)。共发现33个伴随类群,其中包括6个艾蒿,23个苔藓和4个地衣。在这些样本中,只有7种存在于超过5%的样本中。
