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Characterization of weeds and rotational crops as alternative hosts of Spongospora subterranea, the causal agent of powdery scab in Israel
Plant Pathology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13117
L. Tsror (Lahkim) 1 , R. Shapira 1 , O. Erlich 1 , M. Hazanovsky 1 , S. Lebiush 1

Alternative hosts of Spongospora subterranea may allow multiplication and survival of the pathogen over time; thus, host range is important from an epidemiological aspect. Weeds and rotational crops, such as wheat and barley, were sampled from potato fields with a history of powdery scab (PS) and examined for the presence of S. subterranea by root staining followed by microscopic observations and by qPCR analysis after DNA extraction. The pathogen was detected in plants of 16 weed species from eight families and in volunteer plants of potato and wheat. The ability of the pathogen to infect weeds and rotational crops was further examined by artificial inoculations with sporosori in pot experiments. Successful inoculations occurred with 13 weed species from eight families and with 12 rotational crops from five families. The findings of this study indicate a wide host range in Israel; the families Malvaceae and Zygophyllaceae and the following species are reported for the first time as S. subterranea hosts: Solanum elaeagnifolium, Triticum aestivum, Cynodon dactylon, Phalaris paradoxa, Phalaris minor, Setaria verticillata, Rostaria cristata, Sinapis nigra, Arachis hypogaea, Medicago sativa, Astragalus hauraensis, Amaranthus albus, Chenopodium murale, Chenopodium opulifolium, Salsola soda, Malva nicaeensis, Chrysanthemum segetum, Verbesina encelioides, Ammi majus and Tribulus terrestris. Controlling weeds and avoiding the relevant rotational crops observed to be S. subterranea‐positive and thus potential hosts, should be taken into consideration in the management of PS, to reduce pathogen inoculum build‐up.



海绵状地下孢子虫的替代宿主可能使病原体随时间繁殖和存活。因此,从流行病学的角度来看,寄主范围很重要。从具有粉sc病史的马铃薯田中采集杂草和轮作作物,例如小麦和大麦,并检查是否存在地下链球菌。通过根部染色,显微镜观察以及DNA提取后的qPCR分析。在来自8个科的16种杂草物种的植物以及马铃薯和小麦的志愿植物中检测到了病原体。在盆栽实验中,通过人工接种孢子囊菌进一步检查了病原体感染杂草和轮作作物的能力。成功接种了来自8个科的13种杂草和来自五个科的12种轮作作物。这项研究的结果表明,以色列的寄主范围很广。首次报道了地下链球菌寄主为锦葵科和霸科及其以下物种:茄属茄科植物普通小麦犬牙根法拉里斯paradoxa的法拉里斯轻微倒刺狗尾草Rostaria鸡冠花芥子黑花生紫花苜蓿黄芪hauraensis白苋藜murale藜opulifolium苏打猪毛菜锦葵nicaeensis菊花地老虎Verbesina encelioides大阿米芹蒺藜。控制杂草并避免观察到相关的轮作作物在PS的管理中应考虑到S.subneanea阳性以及潜在的宿主,以减少病原体接种物的积累。