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The Five Laws of SE for AI
IEEE Software ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/ms.2019.2954841
Tim Menzies 1

It is time to talk about software engineering (SE) for artificial intelligence (AI). As shown in Figure 1, industry is becoming increasingly dependent on AI software. Clearly, AI is useful for SE. But what about the other way around? How important is SE for AI? Many thought leaders in the AI industry are asking how to better develop and maintain AI software (see Figure 2).


人工智能 SE 的五项法则

是时候讨论人工智能 (AI) 的软件工程 (SE) 了。如图 1 所示,行业越来越依赖 AI 软件。显然,人工智能对 SE 很有用。但是反过来呢?SE 对 AI 有多重要?AI 行业的许多思想领袖都在询问如何更好地开发和维护 AI 软件(见图 2)。