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Psychologically Informed Implementations of Sugary-Drink Portion Limits
Psychological Science ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-31 , DOI: 10.1177/0956797617692041
Leslie K John 1 , Grant E Donnelly 2 , Christina A Roberto 3

In 2012, the New York City Board of Health prohibited restaurants from selling sugary drinks in containers that would hold more than 16 oz. Although a state court ruled that the Board of Health did not have the authority to implement such a policy, it remains a legally viable option for governments and a voluntary option for restaurants. However, there is very limited empirical data on how such a policy might affect the purchasing and consumption of sugary drinks. We report four well-powered, incentive-compatible experiments in which we evaluated two possible ways that restaurants might comply with such a policy: bundling (i.e., dividing the contents of oversized cups into two regulation-size cups) and providing free refills (i.e., offering a regulation-size cup with unlimited refills). Bundling caused people to buy less soda. Free refills increased consumption, especially when a waiter served the refills. This perverse effect was reduced in self-service contexts that required walking just a few steps to get a refill.



2012 年,纽约市卫生局禁止餐馆销售容量超过 16 盎司的容器中的含糖饮料。尽管州法院裁定卫生部无权实施此类政策,但它仍然是政府的合法可行选择和餐馆的自愿选择。然而,关于此类政策如何影响含糖饮料的购买和消费的实证数据非常有限。我们报告了四项强有力的、激励相容的实验,其中我们评估了餐馆遵守此类政策的两种可能方式:捆绑(即,将超大杯子的内容物分成两个规定尺寸的杯子)和提供免费续杯(即, ,提供标准尺寸的杯子,可无限续杯)。捆绑销售导致人们购买的苏打水减少。免费续杯增加了消费,尤其是当服务员提供续杯时。在自助服务环境中,这种反常效应会减少,因为自助服务环境只需步行几步即可补充。