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Bioinspired magnetoreception and navigation in nonorthogonal environments using magnetic signatures.
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-04 , DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/ab40f8
Brian K Taylor 1 , Sabrina Corbin

Diverse taxa use Earth's magnetic field in conjunction with other sensory modalities to accomplish navigation tasks ranging from local homing to long-distance migration across continents and ocean basins. However, despite extensive research, the mechanisms that underlie animal magnetoreception are not clearly understood, and how animals use Earth's magnetic field to navigate is an active area of investigation. Concurrently, Earth's magnetic field offers a signal that engineered systems can leverage for navigation in environments where man-made systems such as GPS are unavailable or unreliable. Using a proxy for Earth's magnetic field, and inspired by migratory animal behavior, this work implements a behavioral strategy that uses combinations of magnetic field inclination and intensity as rare or unique signatures that mark specific locations. Specifically, to increase the realism of previous work, in this study, a simulated agent uses a magnetic signatures based strategy to migrate in magnetic environments where lines of constant inclination and intensity are not necessarily orthogonal. The results further support existing notions that some animals may use combinations of magnetic properties as navigational markers, and provide insights into features and constraints that could enable navigational success or failure in either a biological or engineered system.


