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The benefits of lower ozone due to air pollution emission reductions (2002-2011) in the Eastern United States during extreme heat.
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2019.1694089
Christopher P Loughner 1, 2 , Melanie B Follette-Cook 3, 4 , Bryan N Duncan 3 , Jennifer Hains 5 , Kenneth E Pickering 3, 6 , Justin Moy 7 , Maria Tzortziou 8

Using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model and the Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition (BenMAP-CE) tool, we estimate the benefits of anthropogenic emission reductions between 2002 and 2011 in the Eastern United States (US) with respect to surface ozone concentrations and ozone-related health and economic impacts, during a month of extreme heat, July 2011. Based on CMAQ simulations using emissions appropriate for 2002 and 2011, we estimate that emission reductions since 2002 likely prevented 10- 15 ozone exceedance days (using the 2011 maximum 8-hr average ozone standard of 75 ppbv) throughout the Ohio River Valley and 5- 10 ozone exceedance days throughout the Washington, DC - Baltimore, MD metropolitan area during this extremely hot month. CMAQ results were fed into the BenMAP-CE tool to determine the health and health-related economic benefits of anthropogenic emission reductions between 2002 and 2011. We estimate that the concomitant health benefits from the ozone reductions were significant for this anomalous month: 160-800 mortalities (95% confidence interval (CI): 70-1,010) were avoided in July 2011 in the Eastern U.S, saving an estimated $1.3-$6.6 billion (CI: $174 million-$15.5 billion). Additionally, we estimate that emission reductions resulted in 950 (CI: 90-2,350) less hospital admissions from respiratory symptoms, 370 (CI: 180-580) less hospital admissions for pneumonia, 570 (CI: 0-1650) less Emergency Room (ER) visits from asthma symptoms, 922,020 (CI: 469,960-1,370,050) less minor restricted activity days (MRADs), and 430,240 (CI: -280,350-963,190) less symptoms of asthma exacerbation during July 2011.Implications: We estimate the benefits of air pollution emission reductions on surface ozone concentrations and ozone-related impacts on human health and the economy between 2002 and 2011 during an extremely hot month, July 2011, in the eastern United States (US) using the CMAQ and BenMAP-CE models. Results suggest that, during July 2011, emission reductions prevented 10-15 ozone exceedance days in the Ohio River Valley and 5-10 ozone exceedance days in the Mid Atlantic; saved 160-800 lives in the Eastern US, saving $1.3 - $6.5 billion; and resulted in 950 less hospital admissions for respiratory symptoms, 370 less hospital admissions for pneumonia, 570 less Emergency Room visits for asthma symptoms, 922,020 less minor restricted activity days, and 430,240 less symptoms of asthma exacerbation.



将CMAQ结果输入到BenMAP-CE工具中,以确定2002年至2011年间人为排放量减少所带来的健康和与健康相关的经济利益。我们估计,在这个异常月份,臭氧减少所带来的健康益处非常明显:160-800 2011年7月,在美国东部避免了死亡(95%置信区间(CI):70-1,010),估计节省了1.3-66亿美元(CI:1.74亿-155亿美元)。此外,我们估计减少排放量可使呼吸道症状的住院人数减少950(CI:90-2,350),肺炎的住院人数减少370(CI:180-580),急诊室减少570(CI:0-1650)( ER)因哮喘症状而就诊的人数为922,020(CI:469,960-1,370,050)减去较小的限制活动天数(MRAD),以及430,240(CI:-280,350-963,190)在2011年7月期间哮喘发作的症状减轻。影响:我们估计在极热的2011年7月,2002年至2011年间,减少空气污染排放对地表臭氧浓度的好处以及与臭氧有关的物质对人类健康和经济的影响,使用CMAQ和BenMAP-CE模型在美国东部(美国)。结果表明,在2011年7月期间,减排量阻止了俄亥俄河谷地区10-15个臭氧超标日和中大西洋地区5-10个臭氧超标日;挽救了美国东部160-800人的生命,节省了1.3到65亿美元;减少了950例因呼吸道症状而住院的患者,370例因肺炎而住院的患者,570例因哮喘症状而去急诊室的患者,922 020例次要的限制活动天减少了,430例