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The Performance of Emergency Department Nurses Across Sectors in Jordan: An Application of the Work Functioning Model.
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-30 , DOI: 10.1891/1541-6577.33.4.344
Mahmoud Al Kalaldeh 1 , Samah Khamis 1

Work functioning is a relatively new conceptual model developed to embrace various aspects surrounding work performance, work participation, and individual capacity. The assessment of work performance (AWP) in nursing has gained inconsistent evidence due to examining it from multidimensional aspects. This study aimed to perform the AWP in nurses working in the emergency departments (EDs) at different healthcare sectors in Jordan. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used in which ED nurses completed a questionnaire. ED nurses were recruited conveniently from four referral hospitals located in Amman (two government and two private hospitals). The Nursing Work Functioning Questionnaire (NWFQ), in addition to the demographic questionnaire were completed. A total of 179 ED nurses participated in the study (100 government and 79 private nurses). A few differences were found between government and private sector nurses in respect to work functioning domains. Overall, nurses from both sectors reported minimal impairments in their performance represented in seven domains. However, ED nurses from the private sector claimed more frequent work incidences compared to ED nurses from the government sector (p = .043). In addition, associate nurses showed higher avoidance behavior than registered nurses in both sectors (p = .031). Contrary to former studies, this study found minimal discrepancies in work performance between government and private sectors, and employing the work functioning model is useful to gain a thorough understanding of the AWP.



工作功能是一个相对较新的概念模型,其开发涵盖了工作绩效,工作参与和个人能力的各个方面。护理工作绩效(AWP)的评估因从多维角度进行检查而获得不一致的证据。这项研究旨在在约旦不同医疗部门的急诊科护士中执行AWP。ED护士使用了描述性的横断面设计,完​​成了问卷调查。急诊室的护士是从位于安曼的四家转诊医院(两家政府医院和两家私立医院)方便地招募的。除人口调查表外,还完成了《护理工作功能调查表》。共有179名ED护士参加了该研究(100名政府护士和79名私人护士)。在工作职能领域,政府和私营部门的护士之间发现了一些差异。总体而言,两个领域的护士报告其在七个方面的表现受到的损害最小。但是,与政府部门的急诊护士相比,私营部门的急诊护士声称工作频率更高(p = .043)。此外,在这两个部门中,准护士的回避行为均高于注册护士(p = .031)。与以前的研究相反,本研究发现政府和私营部门之间的工作绩效差异极小,采用工作职能模型有助于深入了解AWP。来自两个部门的护士报告其在七个方面的表现受到的损害最小。但是,与政府部门的急诊护士相比,私营部门的急诊护士声称工作频率更高(p = .043)。此外,在这两个部门中,准护士的回避行为均高于注册护士(p = .031)。与以前的研究相反,本研究发现政府和私营部门之间在工作绩效方面的差异极小,并且采用工作职能模型有助于深入了解AWP。两个部门的护士报告其在七个方面的表现受到的损害最小。但是,与政府部门的急诊护士相比,私营部门的急诊护士声称工作频率更高(p = .043)。此外,在这两个部门中,准护士的回避行为均高于注册护士(p = .031)。与以前的研究相反,本研究发现政府和私营部门之间在工作绩效方面的差异极小,并且采用工作职能模型有助于深入了解AWP。在两个部门中,准护士的回避行为均高于注册护士(p = .031)。与以前的研究相反,本研究发现政府和私营部门之间在工作绩效方面的差异极小,并且采用工作职能模型有助于深入了解AWP。在两个部门中,准护士的回避行为均高于注册护士(p = .031)。与以前的研究相反,本研究发现政府和私营部门之间在工作绩效方面的差异极小,并且采用工作职能模型有助于深入了解AWP。