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ARA relief campaign in the Volga region, Jewish anthropometric statistics, and the scientific promise of integration
Science in Context Pub Date : 2019-05-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269889719000012
Marina Mogilner 1

ArgumentThe article builds a case for the Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Population (Obshchestvo Okhranenia Zdorov’ia Evreiskogo Naselenia [OZE]) as a project of medicalized modernity, a mass politics of Jewish self-help that relied on a racialized and medicalized vision of a future Jewish nation. Officially registered in 1912 in St. Petersburg, it created the space for a Jewish politics that focused on the state of the collective Jewish body as a precondition for Jewish participation in any version of modernity. OZE futurism survived the years of World War I and the Russian Civil War, when the organization had to concentrate on rescue and relief rather than on facilitating the development of new bodies and souls. New archival evidence reveals how race science, medical statistics, and positive eugenics became composite elements of the Jewish anticolonial message and new subjectivity.


伏尔加地区的 ARA 救济运动、犹太人的人体测量统计数据以及整合的科学承诺

论点这篇文章为保护犹太人口健康协会 (Obshchestvo Okhranenia Zdorov'ia Evreiskogo Naselenia [OZE]) 建立了一个案例,将其作为医疗化现代性项目,这是一种依赖于种族化的犹太人自助的群众政治。以及对未来犹太国家的医学化愿景。它于 1912 年在圣彼得堡正式注册,为犹太人政治创造了空间,该政治专注于犹太人集体身体的状态,作为犹太人参与任何现代性版本的先决条件。OZE 未来主义在第一次世界大战和俄罗斯内战中幸存下来,当时该组织不得不专注于救援和救援,而不是促进新身体和灵魂的发展。新的档案证据揭示了种族科学、医学统计、