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Characterization of Nest Architecture of an Indian Ant Diacamma indicum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Journal of Insect Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iez083
Kushankur Bhattacharyya 1 , Sumana Annagiri 1

Nests are physical entities that give shelter to the inhabitants from natural adversities, predators and act as a platform for organization of tasks particularly in social insects. Social insect nests can range from simple structures consisting of a single entrance leading to a chamber to complex nests containing hundreds of connected shafts and chambers. This study characterizes nest architecture of a tropical ponerine ant Diacamma indicum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), which has small colony sizes and is known to be a scavenger. We also examined if these nests vary seasonally. By examining the microhabitat in the vicinity of the nest, the nest entrance characteristics and casting 77 natural nests of D. indicum across a year, we found that this species occupies relatively simple nests consisting of a single entrance that leads to a single chamber. This chamber progressed to a secondary tunnel that terminated at a greater depth than the chamber. The nest volume was not correlated to the number of adult members in the colony. Even though the microhabitat around the nest and the entrance itself change across seasons, principle component analysis showed that the nest architecture remained similar. Only one parameter, the entrance tunnel showed significant difference and was longer during postmonsoon. Nests of colonies living in the immediate vicinity of human habitation were comparable to other nests. We conclude that D. indicum found in the Gangetic plains live in relatively simple nests that do not vary across seasons.


印度蚂蚁Diacamma indicum(膜翅目:蚁科)巢式结构的表征。

巢是物理上的实体,可以为居民提供自然灾害,掠食者的庇护所,并充当组织任务的平台,尤其是在社交昆虫中。社交昆虫巢的范围很广,从简单的结构(包括通向密室的单个入口)到包含数百个相连的竖井和密室的复杂巢。这项研究的特征是热带殖民地蚂蚁Diacamma indicum(膜翅目:蚁科)的巢式结构,该殖民地规模小,被称为清除剂。我们还检查了这些巢是否随季节变化。通过检查巢附近的微生境,巢的入口特征并一年铸出77个天然的D. indicum巢,我们发现该物种占据相对简单的巢,由一个通向一个小室的单一入口组成。该室前进到次级隧道,该隧道终止于比该室更大的深度。巢的数量与菌落中成年成员的数量无关。即使巢周围的微生境和入口本身随季节变化,但主成分分析表明巢的结构仍然相似。季风期间,入口隧道只有一个参数存在显着差异,并且更长。生活在人类居住区附近的殖民地巢穴与其他巢穴相当。我们得出的结论是,在恒河平原上发现的D. indicum生活在相对简单的巢中,并且不会随季节变化。即使巢周围的微生境和入口本身随季节变化,但主成分分析表明巢的结构仍然相似。季风期间,入口隧道只有一个参数存在显着差异,并且更长。生活在人类居住区附近的殖民地巢穴与其他巢穴相当。我们得出的结论是,在恒河平原上发现的D. indicum生活在相对简单的巢中,并且不会随季节变化。即使巢周围的微生境和入口本身随季节变化,但主成分分析表明巢的结构仍然相似。季风期间,入口隧道只有一个参数存在显着差异,并且更长。生活在人类居住区附近的殖民地巢穴与其他巢穴相当。我们得出的结论是,在恒河平原上发现的D. indicum生活在相对简单的巢中,并且不会随季节变化。生活在人类居住区附近的殖民地巢穴与其他巢穴相当。我们得出的结论是,在恒河平原上发现的D. indicum生活在相对简单的巢中,并且不会随季节变化。生活在人类居住区附近的殖民地巢穴与其他巢穴相当。我们得出的结论是,在恒河平原上发现的D. indicum生活在相对简单的巢中,并且不会随季节变化。