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Efficacy of Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide for Decontaminating Salt‐Cured Hides from the Red Heat Causing Moderately Halophilic Bacteria
Letters in Applied Microbiology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1111/lam.13250
S A Hussain 1 , M I Sarker 1 , H O Yosief 1

Conventionally, animal hide and skin necessitates 95% saturated brine solution (SBS) for its preservation. This salt is primarily derived from different sources including solar‐saltern, evaporation ponds, etc., which are laden with different types of halophilic micro‐organisms. Previous studies confirmed that the presence of moderately halophilic bacteria caused red heat on cured hide, which adversely affects the leather quality and causes substantial economic losses for leather industries. Thus, this investigation was carried out to examine the effects of different concentrations of alkyltrimethylammonium bromide (ATMB) on selected halophilic‐bacteria attributed to the deterioration of hide quality. In nutrient broth solution (NBS), ATMB at 250 and 500 ppm reduced individual halo‐bacteria, that is, Halomonas halodenitrificans, Halomonas eurihalina, Alkalibacillus haloalkaliphilus and Salimicrobium album, by averages of 0·64 and 1·90, 1·5 and 2·61, 0·90 and 2·27, 1·65 and 3·36 log CFU per ml respectively in 5 min. ATMB treatment in SBS at 500 ppm for 18 h resulted in a reduction of H. halodenitrificans, H. eurihalina, A. haloalkaliphilus and S. album by averages of 1·9, 1·25, 0·96 and 1·34 log CFU per ml respectively, when compared with the controls. Likewise, 5000 ppm ATMB reduced the cocktail population nearly to zero from that cultivated in SBS for 18 h.



通常,动物皮需要 95% 的饱和盐水溶液 (SBS) 才能保存。这种盐主要来自不同的来源,包括日光浴、蒸发池等,这些地方充满了不同类型的嗜盐微生物。以往的研究证实,中度嗜盐细菌的存在会导致熟皮产生红热,从而对皮革质量产生不利影响,并给皮革行业造成重大经济损失。因此,本研究旨在检查不同浓度的烷基三甲基溴化铵 (ATMB) 对选定的导致生皮质量恶化的嗜盐细菌的影响。在营养肉汤溶液 (NBS) 中,250 和 500 ppm 的 ATMB 减少了单个卤细菌,即卤代硝化盐单胞菌,Halomonas eurihalina、Alkalibacillus haloalkaliphilus 和 Salimicrobium album,分别为 0·64 和 1·90、1·5 和 2·61、0·90 和 2·27、1·65 和 3·36 log CFU/ml,分别为 5分钟 在 SBS 中以 500 ppm 的 ATMB 处理 18 小时导致 H.halodenitrificans、H.eurihalina、A.haloalkaliphilus 和 S.album 平均减少 1·9、1·25、0·96 和 1·34 log CFU与对照组相比,分别为每毫升。同样,5000 ppm ATMB 将鸡尾酒种群从在 SBS 中培养 18 小时的数量减少到几乎为零。与对照相比,专辑的平均值分别为每毫升 1·9、1·25、0·96 和 1·34 log CFU。同样,5000 ppm ATMB 将鸡尾酒种群从在 SBS 中培养 18 小时的数量减少到几乎为零。与对照相比,专辑的平均值分别为每毫升 1·9、1·25、0·96 和 1·34 log CFU。同样,5000 ppm ATMB 将鸡尾酒种群从在 SBS 中培养 18 小时的数量减少到几乎为零。