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Women's Perspectives on Postpartum Intrauterine Devices in Tanzania.
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-21 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12106
Sarah Huber‐Krum , Kristy Hackett , Leigh Senderowicz , Erin Pearson , Joel M. Francis , Hellen Siril , Nzovu Ulenga , Iqbal Shah

Despite the numerous benefits of the postpartum copper intrauterine device (PPIUD), which is inserted within 48 hours after giving birth, it is underutilized in many resource‐constrained settings, including Tanzania. We conducted in‐depth interviews with 20 pregnant women who received contraceptive counseling during routine antenatal care in 2016–2017 and 27 postpartum women who had a PPIUD inserted in 2018 to understand reasons for use versus nonuse and continuation versus discontinuation. Primary motivators for using a PPIUD included: convenience, effectiveness, perceived lack of side effects, and duration of pregnancy protection. Barriers to use included: fear of insertion, concerns related to sexual experiences post‐insertion, and limited knowledge. Women who had a PPIUD inserted continued use when their expectations matched their experience, while discontinuation resulted from unexpected expulsion and experience of unanticipated side effects. Frequent follow‐up and guidance on side‐effect management influenced women's decisions to continue use. To support uptake and continued utilization of the PPIUD, postpartum contraceptive counseling should explicitly address side effects and risk of expulsion.



尽管产后 48 小时内植入的产后铜宫内节育器 (PPIUD) 有许多好处,但在包括坦桑尼亚在内的许多资源有限的地区,它并未得到充分利用。我们对 20 名在 2016-2017 年常规产前保健期间接受避孕咨询的孕妇和 27 名在 2018 年植入 PPIUD 的产后妇女进行了深入访谈,以了解使用与不使用以及继续与停用的原因。使用 PPIUD 的主要动机包括:方便、有效、无副作用以及妊娠保护持续时间。使用障碍包括:害怕插入、对插入后性经历的担忧以及知识有限。插入 PPIUD 的女性在期望与经历相符时会继续使用,而因意外排出和经历意外副作用而停药。对副作用管理的频繁随访和指导影响了女性继续使用的决定。为了支持 PPIUD 的吸收和持续使用,产后避孕咨询应明确解决副作用和驱逐风险。