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Positional relationship between medial canthal tendon and common canalicular orifice: A cadaveric study.
Annals of Anatomy ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2019.151432
Aric Vaidya 1 , Yusuke Ohmichi 2 , Munekazu Naito 2 , Takashi Nakano 2 , Hirohiko Kakizaki 1 , Yasuhiro Takahashi 1

PURPOSE To examine the positional relationship between the medial canthal tendon (MCT) and the common canalicular orifice (CCO) in cadavers. METHODS This experimental anatomical study was conducted using 75 orbits from 48 embalmed Japanese cadavers fixed in 10% buffered formalin (24 orbits from 17 males and 51 orbits from 31 females; 38 right and 37 left; mean age at time of death, 84.1±9.2 years). The vertical width of the MCT on the level of the medial orbital rim and the angle between the MCT and axial plane were measured. In addition, the vertical distance from the CCO to the lower edge of the MCT was measured. Positive values of the distance were indicated when the CCO was located below the lower edge of the MCT. RESULTS The vertical distance from the CCO to the lower edge of the MCT was -1.43±1.31mm. Only 13 orbits (17.3%) showed the CCO located on the same level (2 orbits, 2.7%) or below the lower edge of the MCT (11 orbits, 14.7%), while the CCO was located above the lower edge of the MCT in 62 orbits (82.7%). In multiple regression analyses, both the MCT width and angle between the MCT and axial plane were not correlated with the distance (P>0.050). CONCLUSIONS As the CCO was mostly found to be located above the inferior margin of the MCT, the creation of the bony window up to the MCT's inferior margin is not sufficient in external dacryocystorhinostomy to completely expose the CCO.



目的检查尸体中的内侧can肌腱(MCT)与普通小管口(CCO)之间的位置关系。方法使用固定在10%福尔马林缓冲液中的48只防腐日本尸体的75个轨道进行实验实验(17个男性中的24个轨道和31个女性中的51个轨道;右侧38个,左侧37个;死亡时的平均年龄为84.1±9.2)年份)。测量在内侧眼眶边缘水平上的MCT的垂直宽度以及MCT与轴向平面之间的角度。另外,测量了从CCO到MCT下边缘的垂直距离。当CCO位于MCT的下边缘下方时,指示距离为正值。结果从CCO到MCT下边缘的垂直距离为-1.43±1.31mm。只有13个轨道(17。3%)表示CCO位于同一水平(2轨道,2.7%)或低于MCT下边缘(11轨道,14.7%),而CCO位于MCT下边缘以上62轨道( 82.7%)。在多元回归分析中,MCT宽度和MCT与轴向平面之间的角度均与距离无关(P> 0.050)。结论由于大部分CCO位于MCT下缘上方,因此在外部泪囊鼻腔吻合术中,直到MCT下缘的骨窗的创建不足以完全暴露CCO。MCT宽度和MCT与轴向平面之间的角度均与距离无关(P> 0.050)。结论由于大部分CCO位于MCT下缘上方,因此在外部泪囊鼻腔吻合术中,直到MCT下缘的骨窗的创建不足以完全暴露CCO。MCT宽度和MCT与轴向平面之间的角度均与距离无关(P> 0.050)。结论由于大部分CCO位于MCT下缘之上,因此在外部泪囊鼻腔吻合术中,直到MCT下缘的骨窗的创建不足以完全暴露CCO。