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Correction to: Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix.
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01291-x
Adam Felton 1 , Therese Löfroth 1 , Per Angelstam 2 , Lena Gustafsson 3 , Joakim Hjältén 4 , Annika M Felton 1 , Per Simonsson 5 , Anders Dahlberg 6 , Matts Lindbladh 1 , Johan Svensson 4 , Urban Nilsson 1 , Isak Lodin 1 , P O Hedwall 1 , Anna Sténs 7 , Tomas Lämås 8 , Jörg Brunet 1 , Christer Kalén 9 , Bengt Kriström 10 , Pelle Gemmel 1 , Thomas Ranius 3

In the original published article, the sentence "Nevertheless, semi-natural forest remnants continue to be harvested and fragmented (Svensson et al. 2018; Jonsson et al. 2019), and over 2000 forest-associated species (of 15 000 assessed) are listed as threatened on Sweden's red-list, largely represented by macro-fungi, beetles, lichens and butterflies (Sandström 2015)."under the section Introduction was incorrect. The correct version of the sentence is "Nevertheless, semi-natural forest remnants continue to be harvested and fragmented (Svensson et al. 2018; Jonsson et al. 2019), and approximately 2000 forest-associated species (of 15 000 assessed) are on Sweden's red-list, largely represented by macro-fungi, beetles, lichens and butterflies (Sandström 2015)."



在原始发表的文章中,句子“尽管如此,半天然森林残余物仍在被采伐和破碎化(Svensson等,2018年; Jonsson等,2019年),并且有超过2000种与森林有关的物种(评估为15,000种)被列为濒临灭绝的瑞典红名单,主要由大型真菌,甲虫,地衣和蝴蝶组成(Sandström2015)。该句子的正确版本是“尽管如此,半天然森林残余物仍在被砍伐和破碎(Svensson等人,2018; Jonsson等人,2019),大约有2000种与森林有关的物种(评估为15000种)瑞典的红名单,主要以大型真菌,甲虫,地衣和蝴蝶为代表(Sandström,2015年)。