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Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix.
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01248-0
Adam Felton 1 , Therese Löfroth 1 , Per Angelstam 2 , Lena Gustafsson 3 , Joakim Hjältén 4 , Annika M Felton 1 , Per Simonsson 5 , Anders Dahlberg 6 , Matts Lindbladh 1 , Johan Svensson 4 , Urban Nilsson 1 , Isak Lodin 1 , P O Hedwall 1 , Anna Sténs 7 , Tomas Lämås 8 , Jörg Brunet 1 , Christer Kalén 9 , Bengt Kriström 10 , Pelle Gemmel 1 , Thomas Ranius 3

The multi-scale approach to conserving forest biodiversity has been used in Sweden since the 1980s, a period defined by increased reserve area and conservation actions within production forests. However, two thousand forest-associated species remain on Sweden’s red-list, and Sweden’s 2020 goals for sustainable forests are not being met. We argue that ongoing changes in the production forest matrix require more consideration, and that multi-scale conservation must be adapted to, and integrated with, production forest development. To make this case, we summarize trends in habitat provision by Sweden’s protected and production forests, and the variety of ways silviculture can affect biodiversity. We discuss how different forestry trajectories affect the type and extent of conservation approaches needed to secure biodiversity, and suggest leverage points for aiding the adoption of diversified silviculture. Sweden’s long-term experience with multi-scale conservation and intensive forestry provides insights for other countries trying to conserve species within production landscapes.


