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Use of passive SPME sampling devices to determine exposure of oil painters to organic compounds.
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2019.1694090
Wen-Hsi Cheng,Hsiao-Lin Huang,Ming-Hsiu Chuang

A solid-phase microextraction (SPME) sampling device, called a needle trap samplers (NTS) that were packed with 60-80 mesh divinylbenzene (DVB) particles, was used to extract indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that were emitted in an oil painting studio. This work compared the sampling performances of a passive NTS and an active charcoal desorption tube that was connected to a personal sampling pump (Method 1501), developed by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, USA. The experimental results reveal that the NTS is a dependable alternative device to Method 1501 for monitoring indoor air quality. 2,2,4,6,6-Pentamethylheptane (isododecane) is the main emitted pollutant when oil painters use odorless thinner as a substitute solvent for turpentine oil, and the mean exposed concentrations of isododecane determined by NTS ranged from 0.83 to 3.10 ppm, which were dependent on whether the indoor ventilation was performed by the natural or mechanic mode. To maintain adequate air exchange rates in an oil painting studio, doors should be opened to increase air circulation, lowering the concentrations of isododecane to which painters are exposed.Implications: A needle trap sampler (NTS) was used to sample VOCs from oil painting in an indoor studio. Isododecane is the main emitted pollutant when painters use the odorless thinner. The NTS was evaluated to be a dependable alternative to Method 1501 for monitoring indoor air quality. To maintain adequate air exchange rates in a painting studio, doors should be opened to lower concentrations of VOCs.



一种固相微萃取(SPME)采样装置,称为针阱捕集器(NTS),装有60-80目二乙烯基苯(DVB)颗粒,用于提取在油中排放的室内挥发性有机化合物(VOC)。绘画工作室。这项工作比较了由美国国家职业安全与卫生研究所开发的被动式NTS和连接到个人采样泵(方法1501)的活性炭脱附管的采样性能。实验结果表明,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代设备。当油画家使用无味稀释剂作为松节油的替代溶剂时,2,2,4,6,6-五甲基庚烷(异十二烷)是主要的排放污染物,NTS测定的异十二烷的平均暴露浓度为0.83至3.10 ppm,这取决于室内通风是自然模式还是机械模式。为了在油画工作室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以增加空气流通,降低画家所接触的异十二烷的浓度。含义:使用针头捕集器(NTS)对油画室中的VOC进行采样室内工作室。当画家使用无味稀释剂时,异十二烷是主要的排放污染物。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。这取决于室内通风是自然模式还是机械模式。为了在油画工作室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以增加空气流通,降低画家所接触的异十二烷的浓度。含义:使用针头捕集器(NTS)对油画室中的VOC进行采样室内工作室。当画家使用无味稀释剂时,异十二烷是主要的排放污染物。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。这取决于室内通风是自然模式还是机械模式。为了在油画工作室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以增加空气流通,降低画家所接触的异十二烷的浓度。含义:使用针头捕集器(NTS)对油画室中的VOC进行采样室内工作室。当画家使用无味稀释剂时,异十二烷是主要的排放污染物。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。应当打开门以增加空气流通,降低画家接触到的异十二烷的浓度。含义:在室内工作室,使用针头捕集器(NTS)对油画中的VOC进行采样。当画家使用无味稀释剂时,异十二烷是主要的排放污染物。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。应当打开门以增加空气流通,降低画家接触到的异十二烷的浓度。含义:在室内工作室,使用针头捕集器(NTS)对油画中的VOC进行采样。当画家使用无味稀释剂时,异十二烷是主要的排放污染物。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。经评估,NTS是方法1501监测室内空气质量的可靠替代方案。为了在喷漆室中保持足够的空气交换率,应打开门以降低VOC的浓度。