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Global identifiability of latent class models with applications to diagnostic test accuracy studies: a Gröbner basis approach
Biometrics ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1111/biom.13133
Rui Duan 1 , Ming Cao 2 , Yang Ning 3 , Mingfu Zhu 4 , Bin Zhang 5 , Aidan McDermott 6 , Haitao Chu 7 , Xiaohua Zhou 8 , Jason H Moore 1 , Joseph G Ibrahim 9 , Daniel O Scharfstein 6 , Yong Chen 1

Identifiability of statistical models is a fundamental regularity condition that is required for valid statistical inference. Investigation of model identifiability is mathematically challenging for complex models such as latent class models. Jones et al. (2010) used Goodman's technique (Goodman, 1974) to investigate the identifiability of latent class models with applications to diagnostic tests in the absence of a gold standard test. The tool they used was based on examining the singularity of the Jacobian or the Fisher information matrix, in order to obtain insights into local identifiability (i.e., there exists a neighborhood of a parameter such that no other parameter in the neighborhood leads to the same probability distribution as the parameter). In this paper, we investigate a stronger condition: global identifiability (i.e., no two parameters in the parameter space give rise to the same probability distribution), by introducing a powerful mathematical tool from computational algebra: the Gröbner basis. With several existing well-known examples (such as Warner (1965), Zhou (1993), Hui and Walter (1980) and Pepe and Janes (2007)), we argue that the Gröbner basis method is easy to implement and powerful to study global identifiability of latent class models, and is an attractive alternative to the information matrix analysis by Rothenberg (1971) and the Jacobian analysis by Goodman (1974) and Jones et al. (2010). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


应用于诊断测试准确性研究的潜在类模型的全局可识别性:Gröbner 基础方法

统计模型的可识别性是有效统计推断所需的基本规律条件。对于潜在类模型等复杂模型,模型可识别性的研究在数学上具有挑战性。琼斯等人。(2010) 使用 Goodman 的技术 (Goodman, 1974) 来研究潜在类模型的可识别性,并在没有金标准测试的情况下应用于诊断测试。他们使用的工具基于检查 Jacobian 矩阵或 Fisher 信息矩阵的奇异性,以便深入了解局部可识别性(即,存在一个参数的邻域,使得邻域中没有其他参数导致相同的概率分布作为参数)。在本文中,我们研究了一个更强的条件:全局可识别性(即,通过引入来自计算代数的强大数学工具:Gröbner 基,参数空间中没有两个参数会产生相同的概率分布。结合几个现有的著名例子(例如 Warner (1965)、Zhou (1993)、Hui and Walter (1980) 和 Pepe and Janes (2007)),我们认为 Gröbner 基方法易于实现且强大的研究潜在类模型的全局可识别性,是 Rothenberg (1971) 的信息矩阵分析和 Goodman (1974) 和 Jones 等人的 Jacobian 分析的有吸引力的替代方案。(2010)。本文受版权保护。版权所有。结合几个现有的著名例子(例如 Warner (1965)、Zhou (1993)、Hui and Walter (1980) 和 Pepe and Janes (2007)),我们认为 Gröbner 基方法易于实现且强大的研究潜在类模型的全局可识别性,并且是 Rothenberg (1971) 的信息矩阵分析和 Goodman (1974) 和 Jones 等人的 Jacobian 分析的有吸引力的替代方案。(2010)。本文受版权保护。版权所有。结合几个现有的著名例子(例如 Warner (1965)、Zhou (1993)、Hui and Walter (1980) 和 Pepe and Janes (2007)),我们认为 Gröbner 基方法易于实现且强大的研究潜在类模型的全局可识别性,是 Rothenberg (1971) 的信息矩阵分析和 Goodman (1974) 和 Jones 等人的 Jacobian 分析的有吸引力的替代方案。(2010)。本文受版权保护。版权所有。(2010)。本文受版权保护。版权所有。(2010)。本文受版权保护。版权所有。