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Imagining Macondo: Interacting with García Márquez's Literary Landscape
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2015-09-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mcg.2015.105
Angus Graeme Forbes , Andres Burbano , Paul Murray , George Legrady

Imagining Macondo is a public artwork that commemorates Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez. It was first showcased at the Bogota International Book Fair in April 2015 to an audience of more than 300,000 over the course of two weeks. The project involved extensive collaboration between an international team of artists, designers, and programmers. This article explores the historical and artistic contexts for the creation of the work, discusses the audience reception to the work, and describes the significant software and production requirements necessary to create an installation with thousands of participants and hundreds of thousands of viewers.



想象马孔多是纪念诺贝尔奖获得者加布里埃尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的公共艺术品。它于 2015 年 4 月在波哥大国际书展上首次展出,在两周内吸引了超过 300,000 名观众。该项目涉及国际艺术家、设计师和程序员团队之间的广泛合作。本文探讨了作品创作的历史和艺术背景,讨论了观众对作品的接受程度,并描述了创作具有数千名参与者和数十万观众的装置所必需的重要软件和制作要求。