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Editor’s Message
Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2012-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/08327823.2012.11689829
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Garib

A month ago the Mars Rover broadcast the first message from the red planet recorded in an “Interplanetary Mail Box”. The voice said “Hello. This is Charlie Bolden, NASA Administrator, speaking to you via the broadcast capabilities of the Curiosity Rover, which is now on the surface of Mars ...”. The voice sounded so clear, so close, that it could be easily confused with a mobile phone call. This similarity, so simply presented, disguises the tremendous amount of work behind this achievement. In comparison, the general public showed greater interest during the early remote broadcast TV with programs announced as “live and direct” from locations far away; Olympics, speeches, and the remarkable moon landing in 1969, with the legend on the TV screen declaring “Live voice of astronaut Armstrong from surface of moon”. Communication reliability devices are quite normal in our current wireless RF and microwaves filled environment, that for many there is no difference communicating domestically, internationally, the moon, mars or even far away, let’s say more than 18,279,040,537 Km, which is the distance Voyager 1 has traveled into space in 35 years. It is so far away that its signal takes more than 16 hours to reach the Earth! Communication systems, popular applications of RF and microwaves, such as satellite, mobile and even Internet are well developed and growing. For young people this environment is as normal as sunshine; it is simply there. Are other RF and microwave applications, such as medical, chemistry or processing that are well known? Certainly for specialist in the area they are, but what about everybody else, the public? Science fiction has been very good about publishing electromagnetic wave applications, sometimes as energetic beams. Some of those applications such as teletransportation devices and hyperspace broadcasting are not real. However, those that are now a reality are very impressive: laser microscopy, laser cutting materials, laser surgery, laser for measurement of distances -an application that is commonly left to radar. There are applications related to heating capabilities, such as organic and inorganic chemical processing, drying, cooking, microwave ceramics, polymers and metals processing, combustion synthesis, glass and silicon microwave processing, microwave processing of nanostructured ceramics, and microwave drilling.



一个月前,火星探测器广播了第一条记录在“星际邮箱”中的来自红色星球的信息。那个声音说:“你好。这是美国宇航局局长查理·博尔登,正在通过好奇号火星车的广播功能与您交谈,它现在位于火星表面......”。那声音听起来如此清晰,如此接近,以至于很容易与手机通话混淆。这种相似性,如此简单地呈现,掩盖了这一成就背后的巨大工作量。相比之下,在早期的远程广播电视中,公众对远程广播电视节目表现出更大的兴趣,这些节目从远处宣布为“现场直播”;奥运会、演讲和 1969 年非凡的登月,电视屏幕上的传奇宣称“宇航员阿姆斯特朗在月球表面的现场声音”。通信可靠性设备在我们目前的无线射频和微波充斥的环境中是很正常的,对于许多人来说,国内、国际、月球、火星甚至很远的地方通信都没有区别,比如说超过 18,279,040,537 公里,也就是航海者 1 号的距离已经进入太空 35 年。它是如此遥远,它的信号需要16个多小时才能到达地球!通信系统、射频和微波的流行应用,如卫星、移动甚至互联网都得到了很好的发展和增长。对于年轻人来说,这种环境就像阳光一样正常;它就在那里。其他射频和微波应用,例如医疗、化学或加工,是否众所周知?当然对于他们是该领域的专家,但其他人呢,公众?科幻小说非常擅长出版电磁波应用,有时是高能光束。其中一些应用,如远程传输设备和超空间广播,是不真实的。然而,那些现在成为现实的东西非常令人印象深刻:激光显微镜、激光切割材料、激光手术、用于测量距离的激光——一种通常留给雷达的应用。有与加热能力相关的应用,例如有机和无机化学加工、干燥、烹饪、微波陶瓷、聚合物和金属加工、燃烧合成、玻璃和硅微波加工、纳米结构陶瓷的微波加工和微波钻孔。其中一些应用,如远程传输设备和超空间广播,是不真实的。然而,那些现在成为现实的东西非常令人印象深刻:激光显微镜、激光切割材料、激光手术、用于测量距离的激光——一种通常留给雷达的应用。有与加热能力相关的应用,例如有机和无机化学加工、干燥、烹饪、微波陶瓷、聚合物和金属加工、燃烧合成、玻璃和硅微波加工、纳米结构陶瓷的微波加工和微波钻孔。其中一些应用,如远程传输设备和超空间广播,是不真实的。然而,那些现在成为现实的东西非常令人印象深刻:激光显微镜、激光切割材料、激光手术、用于测量距离的激光——一种通常留给雷达的应用。有与加热能力相关的应用,例如有机和无机化学加工、干燥、烹饪、微波陶瓷、聚合物和金属加工、燃烧合成、玻璃和硅微波加工、纳米结构陶瓷的微波加工和微波钻孔。用于测量距离的激光——一种通常留给雷达的应用。有与加热能力相关的应用,例如有机和无机化学加工、干燥、烹饪、微波陶瓷、聚合物和金属加工、燃烧合成、玻璃和硅微波加工、纳米结构陶瓷的微波加工和微波钻孔。用于测量距离的激光——一种通常留给雷达的应用。有与加热能力相关的应用,例如有机和无机化学加工、干燥、烹饪、微波陶瓷、聚合物和金属加工、燃烧合成、玻璃和硅微波加工、纳米结构陶瓷的微波加工和微波钻孔。