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Cardiac autonomic activity and blood pressure among Inuit children exposed to mercury.
NeuroToxicology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2012-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2012.05.005
Beatriz Valera 1 , Gina Muckle , Paul Poirier , Sandra W Jacobson , Joseph L Jacobson , Eric Dewailly

BACKGROUND Studies conducted in the Faeroe Islands and Japan suggest a negative impact of mercury on heart rate variability (HRV) among children while the results regarding blood pressure (BP) are less consistent. OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of mercury on HRV and BP among Nunavik Inuit children. METHODS A cohort of 226 children was followed from birth to 11 years old. Mercury concentration in cord blood and in blood and hair at 11 years old were used as markers of prenatal and childhood exposure, respectively. HRV was measured using ambulatory 2 h-Holter monitoring while BP was measured through a standardized protocol. Simple regression was used to assess the relationship of mercury to BP and HRV parameters. Multiple linear regressions were performed adjusting for covariates such as age, sex, birth weight, body mass index (BMI), height, total n-3 fatty acids, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB 153), lead, selenium and maternal smoking during pregnancy. RESULTS Median cord blood mercury and blood mercury levels at 11 years old were 81.5 nmoL/L (IQR:45.0–140.0) and 14.5 nmol/L (IQR: 7.5–28.0), respectively. After adjusting for the covariates, child blood mercury was associated with low frequency (LF) (b = 0.21, p = 0.05), the standard deviation of R–R intervals (SDNN) (b = 0.26, p = 0.02), the standard deviation of R–R intervals measured over 5 min periods (SDANN) (b = 0.31, p = 0.01) and the coefficient of variation of R–R intervals (CVRR) (b = 0.06,p = 0.02). No significant association was observed with BP. CONCLUSION Mercury exposure during childhood seems to affect HRV among Nunavik Inuit children at school age.



背景技术在法罗群岛和日本进行的研究表明,汞对儿童的心率变异性(HRV)有负面影响,而有关血压(BP)的结果则不太一致。目的评估汞对努纳维克因纽特人儿童中HRV和BP的影响。方法从出生至11岁,共纳入226名儿童。11岁时脐带血,血液和头发中的汞浓度分别用作产前和儿童暴露的标志。使用动态2 h-Holter监测来测量HRV,而通过标准化方案测量BP。简单回归用于评估汞与BP和HRV参数之间的关系。进行了多元线性回归,以调整协变量,例如年龄,性别,出生体重,体重指数(BMI),身高,怀孕期间的总n-3脂肪酸,多氯联苯(PCB 153),铅,硒和孕妇吸烟。结果11岁时的脐带血汞中位数和血汞水平分别为81.5 nmoL / L(IQR:45.0–140.0)和14.5 nmol / L(IQR:7.5–28.0)。校正协变量后,儿童血液中的汞与低频(LF)(b = 0.21,p = 0.05),R–R间隔的标准差(SDNN)(b = 0.26,p = 0.02),标准5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论童年时期接触汞似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。硒和孕妇在怀孕期间吸烟。结果11岁时的脐带血汞中位数和血汞水平分别为81.5 nmoL / L(IQR:45.0–140.0)和14.5 nmol / L(IQR:7.5–28.0)。校正协变量后,儿童血液中的汞与低频(LF)(b = 0.21,p = 0.05),R–R间隔的标准差(SDNN)(b = 0.26,p = 0.02),标准5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论儿童期的汞暴露似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。硒和孕期孕妇吸烟。结果11岁时的脐带血汞中位数和血汞水平分别为81.5 nmoL / L(IQR:45.0–140.0)和14.5 nmol / L(IQR:7.5–28.0)。校正协变量后,儿童血液中的汞与低频(LF)(b = 0.21,p = 0.05),R–R间隔的标准差(SDNN)(b = 0.26,p = 0.02),标准在5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论儿童期的汞暴露似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。分别为5 nmoL / L(IQR:45.0–140.0)和14.5 nmol / L(IQR:7.5–28.0)。校正协变量后,儿童血液中的汞与低频(LF)(b = 0.21,p = 0.05),R–R间隔的标准差(SDNN)(b = 0.26,p = 0.02),标准5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论儿童期的汞暴露似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。分别为5 nmoL / L(IQR:45.0–140.0)和14.5 nmol / L(IQR:7.5–28.0)。校正协变量后,儿童血液中的汞与低频(LF)(b = 0.21,p = 0.05),R–R间隔的标准差(SDNN)(b = 0.26,p = 0.02),标准5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论儿童期的汞暴露似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的标准偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论儿童期的汞暴露似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。5分钟内测得的R–R间隔的标准偏差(SDANN)(b = 0.31,p = 0.01)和R–R间隔的变异系数(CVRR)(b = 0.06,p = 0.02)。没有观察到与BP的显着关联。结论童年时期接触汞似乎影响学龄期的努纳维克因纽特人儿童的HRV。