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A Comparison of the Feeding Mechanisms of Calma Glaucoides and Nebaliopsis Typica
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2009-05-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315400012170

The feeding mechanism of the nudibranch Calma glaucoides (Alder & Hancock) has been described by Evans (1922) and that of the crustacean Nebaliopsis typica (Sars) by Cannon (1931) and myself (1943). Calma is seasonally relatively abundant in the coastal waters of parts of Europe where it is found attached to the eggs of certain fishes. It is known to feed exclusively on these eggs and young embryos. Nebaliopsis is a deep pelagic form from the Antarctic Ocean. It has been obtained only rarely and cannot be observed alive and in its natural environment. Two specimens were available for examination. Thus complete certainty about the diet is impossible. The external features and mouth parts were described by Cannon and the structure of these suggested that Nebaliopsis, like other known Nebaliacea, might be a filter feeder. Examination of the morphology of the gut and its contents indicates that this is very improbable. There is no mechanism for the sorting out of particles of different sizes such as is found in other filter feeders. The food passes into a blind sac and there is no apparent means by which the large quantities of indigestible material taken in when particles are filtered from the water indiscriminately might be evacuated. In addition to this negative evidence the food mass found in the large storage chamber of one specimen was completely homogeneous and structureless, its appearance in section suggesting coagulated yolk. It has therefore been suggested that Nebaliopsis feeds on fish eggs found floating in the deeper water layers.


Calma Glaucoides 和 Nebaliopsis Typica 摄食机制的比较

海蛞蝓的摄食机制鲢鱼(Alder & Hancock) 已被 Evans (1922) 和甲壳类动物描述过铁线莲Cannon (1931) 和我自己 (1943) 的 (Sas)。平静在欧洲部分沿海水域季节性相对丰富,发现它附着在某些鱼类的卵上。众所周知,它只以这些卵子和年轻胚胎为食。百里香是来自南极海洋的深海形式。它很少获得,无法在其自然环境中活着观察到。有两个样本可供检查。因此,完全确定饮食是不可能的。Cannon 描述了外部特征和嘴部,它们的结构表明百里香,像其他已知的 Nebaliacea 一样,可能是滤食性动物。检查肠道及其内容物的形态表明这是非常不可能的。没有用于分拣不同尺寸颗粒的机制,例如在其他过滤器给料器中发现的机制。食物进入一个盲囊,并且没有明显的方法可以排出当从水中不加选择地过滤颗粒时摄入的大量难消化物质。除了这一负面证据外,在一个样本的大储藏室中发现的食物团完全均匀且无结构,其在切片中的外观表明蛋黄凝固。因此有人建议百里香以漂浮在较深水层中的鱼卵为食。