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The Development and Growth ofCiona
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2009-05-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315400013825
N. J. Berrill

Ciona intestinalis(L.) is probably the most cosmopolitan species of ascidians and has long been of general interest. The adult morphology has been well described in monographic form by Roule (1884), the physiology of the heart and circulation by Heine (1902), Enriques (1904) and Wolf (1932), of the nervous system by Magnus (1902), Hecht (1918, 1926), Cate (1928), Haffner (1933), and Bacq & Florkin (1935), and of the digestive system by Yonge (1925). Developmental studies include that of the early embryology by Conklin (1905), problems of fertilization by Morgan (1945) and Damas (1899,1900). In no work, however, has there been a presentation of the entireCionaorganism from the tadpole stage through the critical post-larval stages to the young cionid ascidian. The present account portrays this period of development, together with a discussion of some significant but relatively obscure aspects of adult structure.Eggs and theRearing ofCiona intestinalisWhile ascidians in general are difficult to rear to maturity under laboratory conditions,Cionais relatively easy, and together withBotryllus schlosseri(Pallas) andDiplosoma gelatinosum(M.-Edw.) is liable to appear more or less spontaneously in large aquaria into which tadpoles may have been brought. Artificial fertilization is readily accomplished, and at almost any time of the year, sinceCionais sexually mature above a certain size and reproduction is seasonal only to the extent of the rhythm of the growth cycle. Normally eggs are set free spontaneously at dawn, although individuals kept in the laboratory may accumulate eggs and the oviduct become swollen.



小肠绦虫(L.)可能是最世界性的海鞘物种,长期以来一直受到普遍关注。Roule (1884) 以专着的形式很好地描述了成人形态,Heine (1902)、Enriques (1904) 和 Wolf (1932) 对心脏和循环的生理学进行了很好的描述,Magnus (1902)、Hecht 对神经系统进行了很好的描述(1918, 1926)、Cate (1928)、Haffner (1933) 和 Bacq & Florkin (1935),以及 Yonge (1925) 的消化系统。发育研究包括 Conklin (1905) 的早期胚胎学、Morgan (1945) 和 Damas (1899,1900) 的受精问题。然而,在任何一部作品中,都没有展示过整个乔纳有机体从蝌蚪阶段到关键的后期幼虫阶段到年轻的海鞘。本报告描述了这一发展时期,并讨论了成人结构的一些重要但相对模糊的方面。鸡蛋和的饲养小肠绦虫虽然在实验室条件下一般海鞘很难养到成熟,乔纳是比较容易的,和一起灰霉病菌(帕拉斯)和明胶双胞胎(M.-Edw.)可能或多或少地自发出现在可能带入蝌蚪的大型水族箱中。人工受精很容易完成,而且几乎在一年中的任何时候,因为乔纳性成熟超过一定大小,繁殖仅在生长周期节律的范围内是季节性的。正常情况下,卵子在黎明时会自然释放,但实验室中的个体可能会积聚卵子并且输卵管会肿胀。