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Evolution of life history traits in Asian freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) based on multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2009-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.01.002
Daisy Wowor 1 , Victor Muthu , Rudolf Meier , Michael Balke , Yixiong Cai , Peter K L Ng

Freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium are free-living decapod crustaceans that are commonly encountered in tropical streams and lakes. We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the diverse Southeast and East Asian fauna based on >3 kb sequence data from three nuclear and two mitochondrial markers for almost 50% of the described fauna. We reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships and track the evolution of key life history traits. Our tree suggests that the last common ancestor of the Asian Macrobrachium laid numerous small eggs and had prolonged larval development ("PLD") in saline coastal waters after which the adults matured in freshwater habitats. We also argue for five independent losses of the marine larval phase to yield five clades of species that develop entirely in freshwater and have fewer and larger eggs than the species with PLD. These species have either semi-abbreviated (two origins) with at least one free-swimming stage or abbreviated larval development ("ALD": three origins) which lack free-swimming larvae. A Shimodaira-Hasegawa test rejects all trees that would imply a single loss of the marine larval phase, but alternative and equally parsimonious optimizations exist that imply a smaller number of losses. However, these scenarios would require the re-acquisition of free-swimming larvae. A concentrated-change test supports Pereira and Garcia's [Pereira, G.A., Garcia, J.V., 1995. Larval development of Macrobrachium reyesi Pereira (Decapoda, Palaemonidae), with a discussion on the origin of abbreviated development in palaemonids. J. Crust. Biol. 15, 117-133] hypothesis of a significant correlation between living in freshwater and the origin of semi-abbreviated and abbreviated larval development. Our phylogenetic tree also reveals that Asian Macrobrachium have independently become cavernicolous at least twice, and invaded the highly acidic waters of freshwater and peat swamps two or three times.



Macrobrachium属的淡水虾是自由活动的十足纲甲壳类动物,在热带溪流和湖泊中经常遇到。我们基于来自三个核和两个线粒体标记的> 3 kb序列数据,为几乎50%的所述动物群提供了多种东南亚和东亚动物群的分子系统发育分析。我们重建系统发育关系,并跟踪关键生活史特征的演变。我们的树表明,亚洲沼虾的最后一个共同祖先在无盐的沿海水域产下了许多小卵,并延长了幼虫的发育(“ PLD”),此后成虫在淡水生境中成熟。我们还主张海洋幼体阶段有五个独立的损失,以产生五个进化枝,这些进化枝完全在淡水中发育,并且卵数比带有PLD的物种少且大。这些物种具有至少一个自由游动阶段的半缩写(两个起源)或缺少自由游动幼虫的缩写的幼虫发育(“ ALD”:三个起源)。Shimodaira-Hasegawa测试拒绝了所有暗示着海洋幼体阶段发生单一损失的树木,但是存在替代的且同样简约的优化方法,意味着损失的数量更少。但是,这些情况将需要重新获得自由游动的幼虫。集中变化测试支持了Pereira和Garcia的研究[Pereira,GA,Garcia,JV,1995。讨论了矮人妖的简略发展的起源。J.地壳。生物学 [15,117-133]假说认为,生活在淡水中与半缩写和缩写的幼体发育起源之间存在显着相关性。我们的系统发育树还显示,亚洲沼虾至少两次独立地变成了海绵肺,并入侵了淡水和泥炭沼泽的高酸性水域两次或三次。