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Back to the beginnings: an autobiography.
Transfusion Medicine Reviews ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2006-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmrv.2006.05.005
Eloise R Giblett 1

After receiving BS and MS degrees from the University of Washington in Seattle, I entered its new medical school in 1947, receiving an MD degree in 1951. After internship and residency, I obtained a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in hematology under the guidance of Dr Clement Finch. The last 6 months of the fellowship were spent in London, England, at Dr Patrick Mollison's Blood Transfusion Research Unit. There I met and worked with Marie Cutbush (later Crookston) who has been a long-term friend. On returning to Seattle, I joined the faculty of the medical school and became the associate director of the Puget Sound Blood Center. There, I supervised the blood typing and cross-matching laboratory, introducing methods I had learned in London and measuring the effectiveness of various cross-matching procedures. My own research was largely directed toward human genetic polymorphism, and I wrote a textbook published in 1969, describing the biochemical structure, function, inheritance, and geographic distribution of the genetic markers. Subsequently, I discovered that 2 forms of inherited immunodeficiency disease were due to deficiencies of the enzymes adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase. In 1979, I became the director of the blood center and was shortly afterwards elected to the National Academy of Sciences. I retired in 1987 and have spent most of the intervening years relearning to play the violin and exploring the wonders of chamber music.



从西雅图的华盛顿大学获得学士和硕士学位后,我于1947年进入新的医学院,并于1951年获得医学博士学位。在实习和居住之后,我在Dr. Dr.的指导下获得了为期2年的血液学博士后研究金。克莱门特·芬奇。奖学金的最后6个月是在英国伦敦的Patrick Mollison博士的输血研究部门度过的。在那儿,我遇到了长期的朋友玛丽·库特布什(后来的克鲁克斯顿)并与之合作。回到西雅图后,我加入了医学院,成为了普吉特海湾血液中心的副主任。在这里,我监督了血液分类和交叉匹配实验室,介绍了我在伦敦学到的方法,并衡量了各种交叉匹配程序的有效性。我自己的研究主要针对人类遗传多态性,我写了一本教科书,于1969年出版,描述了遗传标记的生物化学结构,功能,遗传和地理分布。随后,我发现2种形式的遗传性免疫缺陷病是由于腺苷脱氨酶和嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶的缺乏所致。1979年,我成为血液中心的主任,并不久当选为国家科学院院士。我于1987年退休,在此期间的大部分时间里,我都在学习小提琴和探索室内音乐的奇迹。随后,我发现2种形式的遗传性免疫缺陷病是由于腺苷脱氨酶和嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶的缺乏所致。1979年,我成为血液中心的主任,并不久当选为国家科学院院士。我于1987年退休,在此期间的大部分时间里,我都在学习小提琴和探索室内音乐的奇迹。随后,我发现2种形式的遗传性免疫缺陷病是由于腺苷脱氨酶和嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶的缺乏所致。1979年,我成为血液中心的主任,并不久当选为国家科学院院士。我于1987年退休,在此期间的大部分时间里,我都在学习小提琴和探索室内音乐的奇迹。