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A brief history of the early years of blood transfusion at the Mayo Clinic: the first blood bank in the United States (1935).
Transfusion Medicine Reviews ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2005-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmrv.2005.02.005
S Breanndan Moore 1

At the Mayo Clinic in 1914, Francis McGrath modified an existing aspiration-injection apparatus and adapted it for arm-to-arm blood transfusions. Separately, in 1919, both Pemberton and Sanford described in detail the Mayo Clinic experience with more than 1000 transfusions between January 1915 and January 1918. Most transfusions were by the indirect citrate method from freshly drawn blood. In 1935, John Lundy established a bank of refrigerated blood for transfusions at Mayo Clinic and reported on the activity in that and subsequent years. The functioning clinical blood bank established by Lundy at Mayo Clinic predated that of Bernard Fantus in Chicago by almost 2 years.



1914年,弗朗西斯·麦格拉思(Francis McGrath)在梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)上修改了现有的抽吸注射设备,并将其改造为用于手臂之间的输血。另外,在1919年,彭伯顿和桑福德都详细描述了梅奥诊所的经历,在1915年1月至1918年1月之间进行了1000多次输血。大多数输血都是通过间接柠檬酸盐法从新鲜抽取的血液中进行的。1935年,约翰·伦迪(John Lundy)在梅奥诊所建立了一家冷藏血库,用于输血,并报告了该年及以后的活动。伦迪在梅奥诊所建立的可运转的临床血库比芝加哥的伯纳德·范图斯早了近两年。