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Informed consent for blood transfusion: should the possibility of prion risk be included?
Transfusion Medicine Reviews ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2004-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmrv.2004.03.001
Jason Hart 1 , Brendan Leier , Susan Nahirniak

The emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in British cattle has received significant media attention since its discovery in 1986. Transmission of this prion from cattle to humans has been documented, and the BSE prion is believed to be the causative agent for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Evidence of this spread is a significant threat to public health, and, although there has never been a proven case, there is a theoretical risk of transmission between humans by blood transfusions. In addition, recent animal studies have documented spread in this fashion, raising the question of whether vCJD should be included as part of informed consent for blood transfusions. The process of informed consent requires disclosure of material risks, defined as the risks that a reasonable person, under such circumstances, would want to know. Consent should, therefore, include the risks of a transfusion reaction, as well as the known infectious risks of blood. It should also include the unknown or theoretical risks of blood transfusions because full disclosure of even remote risks preserves the patient/physician trust relationship, which if breached, is very difficult to mend. Given the high level of public awareness, the potential lethality of the infection, and the theoretical risk of transmission by blood, vCJD can be considered a material risk, and consequently, it is reasonable to include it in the informed consent process.



自1986年发现牛海绵状脑病(BSE)以来,英式牛就受到了媒体的广泛关注。该病毒从牛到人的传播已有记录,据信BSE ion病毒是Creutzfeldt-变种的病原体。雅各布病(vCJD)。这种扩散的证据对公共卫生构成了重大威胁,尽管从未有过确凿的病例,但理论上存在通过输血在人与人之间传播的风险。另外,最近的动物研究已证明以这种方式传播,引起了一个问题,即是否应将vCJD包括在输血知情同意书中。知情同意的过程要求披露重大风险,定义为合理的人在这种情况下想知道的风险。因此,同意书应包括输血反应的风险以及已知的血液传染风险。它也应该包括未知的输血或理论输血风险,因为即使是远程风险的充分披露仍可以保持患者/医师的信任关系,如果这种关系破裂,将很难修复。鉴于公众的高度了解,感染的潜在致死率以及血液传播的理论风险,vCJD可以被认为是重大风险,因此,将其纳入知情同意程序是合理的。它也应该包括未知的输血或理论输血风险,因为即使是远程风险的充分披露仍可以保持患者/医师的信任关系,如果这种关系破裂,将很难修复。鉴于公众的高度了解,感染的潜在致死率以及血液传播的理论风险,vCJD可以被认为是重大风险,因此,将其纳入知情同意程序是合理的。它也应该包括未知的输血或理论输血风险,因为即使是远程风险的充分披露仍可以保持患者/医师的信任关系,如果这种关系破裂,将很难修复。鉴于公众的高度了解,感染的潜在致死率以及血液传播的理论风险,vCJD可以被认为是重大风险,因此,将其纳入知情同意程序是合理的。