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Genotypic analyses of lactobacilli with a range of tannase activities isolated from human feces and fermented foods.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2004-04-01 , DOI: 10.1078/0723-2020-00262
Yosuke Nishitani 1 , Eiki Sasaki , Tomohiko Fujisawa , Ro Osawa

A total of 77 tannase producing lactobacilli strains isolated from human feces or fermented foods were examined for their genotypic profiles and intensities of tannase production. With a PCR-based assay targeting recA gene, all strains except one isolate were assigned to either Lactobacillus plantarum, L. paraplantarum, or L. pentosus whereas a 16/23S rDNA targeted PCR-based assay identified all except 6 isolates (inclusive of the above one isolate) as one of the closely related species. Subsequent DNA/DNA hybridization assays revealed that these 6 exceptional isolates showed low homology (between 1.2% and 55.8% relative DNA binding) against type strains of the three species. Supplemental carbohydrate fermentation profiles on the 6 isolates indicated that two of them were identified as L. acidophilus, one as Pediococcus acidilactici, one as P. pentosaceus, and two remained unidentifiable. The evidence suggests that the 16/23S rDNA targeted PCR assay can be used as a reliable identification tool for the closely related lactobacilli, and that the tannase gene is widely distributed within members of the Lactobacillaceae family. Meanwhile, a randomly amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) analysis revealed that all except 8 isolates were well allocated in 4 major RAPD clusters, though not species specific, consisting of two L. plantarum predominant clusters, one L. paraplantarum predominant, and one L. pentosus predominant. The RAPD patterns of the 8 non-clustered isolates, which consisted of the 6 unidentifiable isolates and 2 isolates identified as L. pentosus, were <40% similarity to those belonging to the 4 clusters. A quantitative assay of the tannase activities showed that there was a marked variation in the activities among the strains, which did not correlate with either species identification or clustering by RAPD.



从人类粪便或发酵食品中分离出的总共77种产生鞣酸酶的乳酸菌菌株进行了基因型谱和鞣酸酶生产强度的检测。通过针对recA基因的基于PCR的检测,除一种分离株外,所有菌株均被分配到植物乳杆菌,副植物乳杆菌或戊糖乳杆菌中,而基于16 / 23S rDNA的基于PCR的检测可鉴定除6种分离株(包括(一种以上分离株)作为密切相关的物种之一。随后的DNA / DNA杂交试验表明,这6种优异的分离株与这三种菌种的同源性很低(相对DNA结合率在1.2%至55.8%之间)。对这6个分离物的补充碳水化合物发酵图谱表明,其中两个被鉴定为嗜酸乳杆菌,一个被鉴定为嗜酸乳球菌,一个被鉴定为P.。戊s科,其中两个仍无法辨认。有证据表明,以16 / 23S rDNA为靶点的PCR测定法可以用作密切相关的乳杆菌的可靠鉴定工具,并且鞣酸酶基因广泛分布在乳杆菌科的成员中。同时,随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析显示,除8个分离株外,所有其他菌株均分配良好,分布在4个主要RAPD簇中,尽管不是物种特异性的,但由2个植物乳杆菌主导簇,1个副植物乳杆菌和1个L.戊糖为主。由6个无法鉴定的分离株和2个被鉴定为戊糖乳杆菌的分离株组成的8个非聚类分离株的RAPD模式与属于这4个聚类的相似度<40%。