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Intraductal carcinomas of the salivary glands: systematic review and classification of 93 published cases.
APMIS ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-03 , DOI: 10.1111/apm.13009
Andrea Palicelli 1

Intraductal carcinomas (IDCs) are rare, not well-characterized salivary gland tumors. A systematic literature review of pure IDCs (without stromal invasion) of low-grade (LG-IDCs) or high-grade (HG-IDCs) was performed: IDCs were classified using the apocrine (AR+/S100-) vs intercalated (S100+/AR-) classification. Eighty-two LG-IDCs and 11 HG-IDCs were identified (84% parotid; 11% oral; 3% submandibular; 1% lacrimal; and 1% unknown). Out of 11 HG-IDCs, 2 HG-IDCs (18%) recurred as HG-IDC or invasive carcinoma. IDCs were classified as follows: intercalated (30%); mixed apocrine and intercalated (27%); apocrine (11%); oncocytic (6%); intercalated with focal oncocytic features (1%); and unclassifiable (25%). Double AR/S100 expressors (4%) or discrepancies between morphology and immunophenotype (9%) were found. Apocrine features and necrosis were more frequent in HG-IDCs (55%; 45%). Pleomorphism favored HG-IDCs (especially when combined with >10 mitoses/10 HPFs and/or Ki67 index >10%), being associated with apocrine areas at least in 3 HG-IDCs (27%). IDCs were typically mammaglobin+/ER-/PR-/DOG1-. No immunomarker clearly distinguished HG-IDCs from LG-IDCs. About 57% IDCs (16 LG-IDCs, 1 HG-IDC) showed RET rearrangements, including NCOA4-RET (eight intercalated and two unclassifiable IDCs) and TRIM27-RET fusions (two mixed IDCs). No ETV6, ALK-1, ROS, NTRK3, MAML2, MAML3, or PLAG1 rearrangements were identified. Complete excision and total sampling should exclude invasive areas.



导管内癌(IDC)是罕见的,不是唾液腺肿瘤的特征。对低级(LG-IDC)或高级(HG-IDC)的纯IDC(无基质浸润)进行了系统的文献综述:IDC的分类采用主教(AR + / S100-)与插层(S100 + / AR-)分类。鉴定出八十二个LG-IDC和11个HG-IDC(腮腺为84%;口腔为11%;颌下为3%;泪腺为1%;未知为1%)。在11个HG-IDC中,有2个HG-IDC(18%)复发为HG-IDC或浸润性癌。IDC的分类如下:插层(30%);混合主教和插层(27%); 顶泌素(11%); 胞浆菌(6%); 插入有局灶性胞浆特征(1%);且无法分类(25%)。发现双重AR / S100表达子(4%)或形态与免疫表型之间的差异(9%)。在HG-IDC中,主分泌特征和坏死更为常见(55%; 45%)。多态性有利于HG-IDC(特别是与> 10个有丝分裂/ 10 HPF和/或Ki67指数> 10%结合使用时),至少在3个HG-IDC(27%)中与主教区域相关。IDC通常是乳球蛋白+ / ER- / PR- / DOG1-。没有免疫标记物能将HG-IDC与LG-IDC区分开。约57%的IDC(16个LG-IDC,1个HG-IDC)显示出RET重排,包括NCOA4-RET(8个插值和两个无法分类的IDC)和TRIM27-RET融合(两个混合IDC)。未识别到ETV6,ALK-1,ROS,NTRK3,MAML2,MAML3或PLAG1重排。完整切除和总采样应排除侵入区域。至少在3个HG-IDC中与教区相关(27%)。IDC通常是乳球蛋白+ / ER- / PR- / DOG1-。没有免疫标记物能将HG-IDC与LG-IDC区分开。约57%的IDC(16个LG-IDC,1个HG-IDC)显示出RET重排,包括NCOA4-RET(8个插值和两个无法分类的IDC)和TRIM27-RET融合(两个混合IDC)。未识别到ETV6,ALK-1,ROS,NTRK3,MAML2,MAML3或PLAG1重排。完整切除和总采样应排除侵入区域。至少在3个HG-IDC中与教区相关(27%)。IDC通常是乳球蛋白+ / ER- / PR- / DOG1-。没有免疫标记物能将HG-IDC与LG-IDC区分开。约57%的IDC(16个LG-IDC,1个HG-IDC)显示出RET重排,包括NCOA4-RET(8个插值和两个无法分类的IDC)和TRIM27-RET融合(两个混合IDC)。未识别到ETV6,ALK-1,ROS,NTRK3,MAML2,MAML3或PLAG1重排。完整切除和总采样应排除侵入区域。或PLAG1重排被识别。完整切除和总采样应排除侵入区域。或PLAG1重排被识别。完整切除和总采样应排除侵入区域。