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Occurrence of Escherichia coli and faecal coliforms in drinking water at source and household point-of-use in Rohingya camps, Bangladesh.
Gut Pathogens ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1186/s13099-019-0333-6
Zahid Hayat Mahmud 1, 2 , Md Shafiqul Islam 1 , Khan Mohammad Imran 1 , Syed Adnan Ibna Hakim 3 , Martin Worth 3 , Alvee Ahmed 1 , Shanewaz Hossan 1 , Maliha Haider 1 , Mohammad Rafiqul Islam 1 , Ferdous Hossain 1 , Dara Johnston 3 , Niyaz Ahmed 1

Background Safe water is essential for life but unsafe for human consumption if it is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. An acceptable quality of water supply (adequate, safe and accessible) must be ensured to all human beings for a healthy life. Methods We collected and analyzed a total of 12,650 drinking water samples, for the presence of Escherichia coli and faecal coliforms, from a large habitation of the displaced Rohingya population comprising of about 1.16 million people living within 4 km2. Results We found that 28% (n = 893) water samples derived from tubewells were contaminated with faecal coliforms and 10.5% (n = 333) were contaminated with E. coli; also, 73.96% (n = 4644) samples from stored household sources (at point of use-POU) were found contaminated with faecal coliforms while 34.7% (n = 2179) were contaminated with E. coli. It was observed that a higher percentage of POU samples fall in the highest risk category than that of their corresponding sources. Conclusions From our findings, it appears that secondary contamination could be a function of very high population density and could possibly occur during collection, transportation, and storage of water due to lack of knowledge of personal and domestic hygiene. Hence, awareness campaign is necessary, and the contaminated sources should be replaced. Further, the POU water should be treated by a suitable method.



背景 安全的水对生命至关重要,但如果被病原微生物污染,则对人类饮用是不安全的。必须确保所有人都能获得可接受的供水质量(充足、安全和可获取),以实现健康的生活。方法 我们从居住在 4 平方公里范围内的大约 116 万流离失所的罗兴亚人的大型住所收集并分析了总共 12,650 个饮用水样本,以确定是否存在大肠杆菌和粪大肠菌群。结果我们发现28% (n = 893) 来自管井的水样被大肠菌群污染,10.5% (n = 333) 被大肠杆菌污染;此外,73.96% (n = 4644) 来自储存的家庭来源(在使用点-POU)的样本被粪便大肠菌群污染,而 34.7% (n = 2179) 被大肠杆菌污染。大肠杆菌。据观察,与相应来源相比,更高比例的 POU 样本属于最高风险类别。结论 根据我们的研究结果,由于缺乏个人和家庭卫生知识,二次污染似乎是人口密度非常高的函数,并且可能发生在水的收集、运输和储存过程中。因此,有必要开展宣传活动,并应更换污染源。此外,POU 水应通过合适的方法进行处理。由于缺乏个人和家庭卫生知识,运输和储存水。因此,有必要开展宣传活动,并应更换污染源。此外,POU 水应通过合适的方法进行处理。由于缺乏个人和家庭卫生知识,运输和储存水。因此,有必要开展宣传活动,并应更换污染源。此外,POU 水应通过合适的方法进行处理。