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Cranial modification and the shapes of heads across the Andes.
International Journal of Paleopathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpp.2019.06.007
Christina Torres-Rouff 1

This broad literature review considers advances in the study of cranial vault modification with an emphasis on investigations of Andean skeletal remains over the last two decades. I delimit three broad categories of research, building on Verano’s synthesis of the state of Andean paleopathology in 1997. These are associations with skeletal pathological conditions, classification and morphology, and social identity. Progress is noted in each of these areas with a particular emphasis on methodological advances in studying morphology as well as the growth of contextualized bioarchaeology and the incorporation of social theory in the consideration of cranial modification as a cultural practice. The article concludes with avenues for future research on head shaping in the Andes specifically and paleopathology more broadly.



