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Is there a natural order for expressing semantic relations?
Cognitive Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2002-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s0010-0285(02)00502-9
Lisa Gershkoff-Stowe 1 , Susan Goldin-Medow

All languages rely to some extent on word order to signal relational information. Why? We address this question by exploring communicative and cognitive factors that could lead to a reliance on word order. In Study 1, adults were asked to describe scenes to another using their hands and not their mouths. The question was whether this home-made "language" would contain gesture sentences with consistent order. In addition, we asked whether reliance on order would be influenced by three communicative factors (whether the communication partner is permitted to give feedback; whether the information to be communicated is present in the context that recipient and gesturer share; whether the gesturer assumes the role of gesture receiver as well as gesture producer). We found that, not only was consistent ordering of semantic elements robust across the range of communication situations, but the same non-English order appeared in all contexts. Study 2 explored whether this non-English order is found only when a person attempts to share information with another. Adults were asked to reconstruct scenes in a non-communicative context using pictures drawn on transparencies. The adults picked up the pictures for their reconstructions in a consistent order, and that order was the same non-English order found in Study 1. Finding consistent ordering patterns in a non-communicative context suggests that word order is not driven solely by the demands of communicating information to another, but may reflect a more general property of human thought.



所有语言在某种程度上都依赖于词序来表示关系信息。为什么?我们通过探索可能导致依赖词序的交际和认知因素来解决这个问题。在研究 1 中,成年人被要求用他们的手而不是他们的嘴向另一个人描述场景。问题是这种自制的“语言”是否会包含顺序一致的手势句子。此外,我们询问对秩序的依赖是否会受到三个交流因素的影响(交流伙伴是否被允许提供反馈;要交流的信息是否存在于接受者和手势者共享的上下文中;手势者是否承担了角色手势接收器和手势生成器)。我们发现,不仅语义元素的一致排序在各种交流情况下都是稳健的,而且在所有上下文中都出现了相同的非英语顺序。研究 2 探讨了是否只有当一个人试图与另一个人共享信息时才会发现这种非英语命令。成年人被要求使用在透明胶片上绘制的图片在非交流环境中重建场景。成年人以一致的顺序拿起图片进行重建,该顺序与研究 1 中发现的非英语顺序相同。在非交流语境中找到一致的排序模式表明词序不仅仅由需求驱动与他人交流信息,但可能反映了人类思想的更一般属性。但是在所有上下文中都出现了相同的非英语顺序。研究 2 探讨了是否只有当一个人试图与另一个人共享信息时才会发现这种非英语命令。成年人被要求使用在透明胶片上绘制的图片在非交流环境中重建场景。成年人以一致的顺序拿起图片进行重建,该顺序与研究 1 中发现的非英语顺序相同。在非交流语境中找到一致的排序模式表明词序不仅仅由需求驱动与他人交流信息,但可能反映了人类思想的更一般属性。但是在所有上下文中都出现了相同的非英语顺序。研究 2 探讨了是否只有当一个人试图与另一个人共享信息时才会发现这种非英语命令。成年人被要求使用在透明胶片上绘制的图片在非交流环境中重建场景。成年人以一致的顺序拿起图片进行重建,该顺序与研究 1 中发现的非英语顺序相同。在非交流语境中找到一致的排序模式表明词序不仅仅由需求驱动与他人交流信息,但可能反映了人类思想的更一般属性。成年人被要求使用在透明胶片上绘制的图片在非交流环境中重建场景。成年人以一致的顺序拿起图片进行重建,该顺序与研究 1 中发现的非英语顺序相同。在非交流语境中找到一致的排序模式表明词序不仅仅由需求驱动与他人交流信息,但可能反映了人类思想的更一般属性。成年人被要求使用在透明胶片上绘制的图片在非交流环境中重建场景。成年人以一致的顺序拿起图片进行重建,该顺序与研究 1 中发现的非英语顺序相同。在非交流语境中找到一致的排序模式表明词序不仅仅由需求驱动与他人交流信息,但可能反映了人类思想的更一般属性。