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The state of food and agriculture in Islamic countries
Food Policy ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 1986-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0306-9192(86)90021-7
J.A. Mollett

This review of the state of food and agriculture in Islamic countries underlines the need for much greater public commitment to agricultural development. Within the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), 44 member nations, exibiting immense geographic and economic diversity, have come together recently to begin to cooperate on increasing food production. It is difficult to generalize about food production conditions in Islamic nations, but basically, within the OIC, total arable land increased from 159 to 167 ha in the 1970s, a small amount unevenly distributed over the group. Dry-land farming has not received enough public attention, and the dependence on cereals grown under rainfed conditions leaves the population vulnerable to fluctuation. Many of the poorer nations have not given the priority to land improvement that has been successful in Egypt, Pakistan, and some other countries. The economic burden of food imports has become lighter in some countries, although in all it continues to be serious. Net cereal imports to Islamic countries rose from 21 to 39 million tons from 1975-83. An overall increase in the per capita dietary energy supplies masks broad differences between the wealthier and poorer nations of the OIC, and between more and less priviledged populations within the societies. A small proportion of financial commitments to agriculture (15%) come from Islamic community donors; this is not a leading program priority. Often spending has been for large capital-intensive projects depending on imported skills and inputs. As a group, the OIC must plan to take advantage of their technical and environmental diversity, and work together to avoid inefficient dispersal of personnel and other resources. Tabular data show selected indicators of agricultural development (e.g. % of food imported, food production growth), average annual rate of food production change related to population growth, per capita dietary energy supplies, and external assistance commitments.



本次对伊斯兰国家粮食和农业状况的审查强调了公众对农业发展做出更大承诺的必要性。在伊斯兰会议组织 (OIC) 内,具有巨大地理和经济多样性的 44 个成员国最近聚集在一起,开始合作增加粮食产量。很难概括伊斯兰国家的粮食生产状况,但基本上,在伊斯兰会议组织内部,总耕地面积从 1970 年代的 159 公顷增加到 167 公顷,少量在整个群体中分布不均。旱地农业没有得到足够的公众关注,对雨养条件下种植的谷物的依赖使人口容易受到波动的影响。许多较贫穷的国家没有优先考虑在埃及、巴基斯坦和其他一些国家取得成功的土地改良。在一些国家,食品进口的经济负担已经减轻,但总体而言仍然很严重。1975-83 年,伊斯兰国家的谷物净进口量从 21 吨增加到 3900 万吨。人均膳食能量供应的整体增加掩盖了伊斯兰会议组织富裕国家和贫穷国家之间以及社会中更多和更少特权人群之间的广泛差异。一小部分农业资金承诺(15%)来自伊斯兰社区捐助者;这不是主要的计划优先事项。支出通常用于依赖进口技能和投入的大型资本密集型项目。作为一个团队,伊斯兰会议组织必须计划利用其技术和环境的多样性,并共同努力避免人员和其他资源的低效分散。表格数据显示了选定的农业发展指标(例如进口粮食的百分比、粮食产量增长)、与人口增长相关的粮食产量年均变化率、人均膳食能量供应和外部援助承诺。