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Nutritional considerations in project planning
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 1985-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0306-9192(85)90004-1
John Mason , Marito Garcia , Janice Mitchell , Karen Test , Clarence Henderson , Hamid Tabatabai

This paper discusses procedures for "ex ante" assessment of likely nutritional effects of development projects. Reported are results of 1 field trial in the Philippines of the "ex ante" assessment procedure in terms of: its feasibility and timeliness and the recommendations for project design that can be made and their influence. In the procedure described emphasis is placed on assessing likely direct effects--through income environmental changes and access to services. Indirect effects through food output and prices are assessed qualitatievly. 2 primary questions are addressed in the "ex ante" assessment: 1) who is to benefit directly from the project in relation to their need (measured in terms of nutrition) and 2) is there reason to suppose that these benefits will not improve their nutrition? The procedure began with an initial assessment to identify the main issues based on reviewing existing data and a short field visit; since there was insufficient information a rapid nutrition survey was conducted and analyzed; recommendations for project design were made within the necessary time for inclusion. The assessment of the large-scale development project in the Philippines indicates priority to remote areas small farmers and subsistence fishermen. It is concluded that production-oriented components (e.g. agricultural and infrastructure development) of the project appear likely to improve nutrition insofar as they reach the priority groups defiend above. There is little reason to believe that increased income will not improve nutrition. Finally there is evidence that an intervention to improve water supply is likely to be effective. Limitations of the procedure are that the assessment is limitied to direct microlevel effects; long-term influences on nutrition through changes in the overall economy of the area are not assessed. Also the data used cannot easily quantify expected effects on nutrition of project participants. Future application of such procedures are seen to be important if they can be fully integrated with the overall project planning.



本文讨论了对开发项目可能的营养影响进行“事前”评估的程序。报告了“事前”评估程序在菲律宾进行的 1 场现场试验的结果:其可行性和及时性以及可以提出的项目设计建议及其影响。在所描述的程序中,重点是评估可能的直接影响——通过收入环境变化和获得服务。对粮食产量和价格的间接影响进行了定性评估。“事前”评估解决了 2 个主要问题:1) 根据他们的需求(以营养衡量),谁将直接从项目中受益; 2) 是否有理由假设这些收益不会改善他们的营养?该程序首先进行初步评估,以在审查现有数据和短期实地访问的基础上确定主要问题;由于信息不足,进行了快速营养调查并进行了分析;项目设计的建议是在必要的时间内提出的。菲律宾大型开发项目的评估表明偏远地区的小农和自给渔民优先。得出的结论是,面向生产的组件(例如 项目的农业和基础设施发展)似乎有可能改善营养,因为它们能够惠及上述优先群体。几乎没有理由相信增加收入不会改善营养。最后,有证据表明改善供水的干预措施可能是有效的。该程序的局限性在于评估仅限于直接的微观影响;没有评估该地区整体经济的变化对营养的长期影响。此外,所使用的数据无法轻易量化对项目参与者营养的预期影响。如果这些程序能够与总体项目规划完全结合,则这些程序的未来应用被认为是重要的。最后,有证据表明改善供水的干预措施可能是有效的。该程序的局限性在于评估仅限于直接的微观影响;没有评估该地区整体经济的变化对营养的长期影响。此外,所使用的数据无法轻易量化对项目参与者营养的预期影响。如果这些程序能够与总体项目规划完全结合,则这些程序的未来应用被认为是重要的。最后,有证据表明改善供水的干预措施可能是有效的。该程序的局限性在于评估仅限于直接的微观影响;没有评估该地区整体经济的变化对营养的长期影响。此外,所使用的数据无法轻易量化对项目参与者营养的预期影响。如果这些程序能够与总体项目规划完全结合,则这些程序的未来应用被认为是重要的。此外,所使用的数据无法轻易量化对项目参与者营养的预期影响。如果这些程序能够与总体项目规划完全结合,则这些程序的未来应用被认为是重要的。此外,所使用的数据无法轻易量化对项目参与者营养的预期影响。如果这些程序能够与总体项目规划完全结合,则这些程序的未来应用被认为是重要的。