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Socioeconomic impacts of school feeding programmes
Food Policy ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 1989-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0306-9192(89)90026-2
Suresh Chandra Babu , J.Arne Hallam

Tamil Nadu a poverty-stricken rural community in South India, funds a school feeding program with about 10% of the state budget. Comparisons of nutrition and literacy show that they are significantly related. No studies have yet been performed to analyse the effect of the feeding programs on aspects of a household's economic and social welfare. The feeding program in Tamil Nadu extends throughout the year, 7 days a week. It provides not only a reason for children to attend school, but also employment opportunities for those who wish to cook. 455 households were surveyed from 1 village using. A Gini coefficient of inequality to determine inequality levels of nutrition, food, and consumption expenditure. Sen's index of poverty was used to calculate the reduction in poverty levels. 3 household groups were defined: the agricultural labor, the silk weaver, and the cultivator. Linear program modelling utilized these 3 groups to study the total effect of nutrition on education. Linear regression was then used to determine the effect of the feeding program on participation in school. At the village level, a reduction of inequality in consumption and intake, an increase in energy intake, and a decrease in poverty level were found. In agricultural labor and silk weaver households, most of the money was spent on cereal food grains and children were mostly uneducated. If modelled to assume that children must be educated and are educated in schools providing food, results suggest that the increase in nutrition helps retain the children in the schools. Cultivator household response to the food programs was poor, since they usually have enough money to meet nutritional needs. Household income and school nutrition, but not adult literacy affect school participation. In general, nutrition offered in school caused a subsequent increase in household purchases of non-cereal items in the first 2 household types.



泰米尔纳德邦是印度南部一个贫困的农村社区,用大约 10% 的国家预算资助学校供餐计划。营养和识字的比较表明它们是显着相关的。尚未进行任何研究来分析喂养计划对家庭经济和社会福利方面的影响。泰米尔纳德邦的喂养计划贯穿全年,每周 7 天。它不仅为孩子们提供了上学的理由,也为那些希望做饭的人提供了就业机会。调查1个村455户使用。不平等的基尼系数,用于确定营养、食品和消费支出的不平等水平。森的贫困指数用于计算贫困水平的减少。定义了 3 个家庭组:农业劳动力、织丝者,和耕耘者。线性程序模型利用这 3 组来研究营养对教育的总体影响。然后使用线性回归来确定供餐计划对参与学校的影响。在村一级,发现消费和摄入的不平等减少,能量摄入增加,贫困水平下降。在农业劳动力和丝织家庭中,大部分钱都花在了谷类粮食上,孩子们大多没有受过教育。如果建模假设儿童必须接受教育并在提供食物的学校接受教育,结果表明营养的增加有助于将儿童留在学校。种植户对食品计划的反应很差,因为他们通常有足够的钱来满足营养需求。家庭收入和学校营养,但不是成人识字率影响学校参与。总的来说,学校提供的营养导致前两种家庭类型的家庭购买非谷物食品的数量随后增加。