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Breastfeeding versus infant formula: The Kenyan case
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 1985-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0306-9192(85)90038-7
T.C. Elliott , K.O. Agunda , J.G. Kigondu , S.N. Kinoti , M.C. Latham

An Infant Feeding Practices Study (IFPS) in 1982 in Kenya, which included a cross-sectional survey of a weighted sample of 980 low and middle income Nairobi mothers who had given birth in the previous 18 months, found that most women breastfeed their infants for long periods, but many introduce alternate feeding, especially infant formula, in the 1st 4 months (86 and 50% of the infants were breastfed at 6 and 15 months respectively, but 50% of the 2 month-olds and 63% of the 4 month-olds were receiving substitutes, mostly formula). This is done largely out of the belief that infant formula is an additional health benefit. A workshop to discuss the findings of the IFPS and other available data, and to make policy recommendations urged the adoption of a policy of protection, support and promotion of breastfeeding. Since breastfeeding is already widely prevalent in Kenya, protection of breastfeeding should receive the 1st priority in policy related to infant feeding. Attention should be directed at at least 2 influences which help undermine breastfeeding: widespread availability and promotion of breast milk substitutes. Support for breastfeeding is viewed as the 2nd policy priority. Situations where support can play a helpful role are, women's paid employment outside the home, hospital practices, maternal morbidity, and difficulties in breastfeeding. Since promotion is the least cost effective of the 3 options, and most Kenyan women are already motivated to breastfeed, this should be the last priority. Promotion includes reeduction of mothers to make them better aware of the benefits of breastfeeding. The workshop recommended the dissemination of appropriate information, consisting of standarized messages based on clearcut guidelines, using mass media techniques.



1982 年在肯尼亚进行的婴儿喂养实践研究 (IFPS),其中包括对过去 18 个月内分娩过的 980 名内罗毕中低收入母亲的加权样本进行横断面调查,发现大多数妇女母乳喂养婴儿的时间为很长一段时间,但许多人在第 1 个 4 个月引入了交替喂养,尤其是婴儿配方奶粉(分别有 86% 和 50% 的婴儿在 6 个月和 15 个月时接受了母乳喂养,但 2 个月大的婴儿和 4月大的婴儿正在接受替代品,主要是配方奶粉)。这样做主要是因为相信婴儿配方奶粉是一种额外的健康益处。讨论 IFPS 的调查结果和其他可用数据并提出政策建议的研讨会敦促采取保护、支持和促进母乳喂养的政策。由于母乳喂养已在肯尼亚广泛流行,因此在与婴儿喂养相关的政策中,保护母乳喂养应成为第一优先事项。应至少关注有助于破坏母乳喂养的两种影响:母乳替代品的广泛供应和推广。支持母乳喂养被视为第二个政策重点。支持可以发挥有益作用的情况是,妇女在家庭以外的有偿工作、医院实践、孕产妇发病率和母乳喂养困难。由于促销是三种选择中成本效益最低的,而且大多数肯尼亚妇女已经有进行母乳喂养的动力,因此这应该是最后一个优先事项。宣传包括让母亲重新认识母乳喂养的好处。