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Survey on attitudes to nutrition planning
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 1984-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0306-9192(84)90043-5
Claudio Schuftan , William Bertrand

The results of a worldwide survey of nutrition planning professionals' attitudes towards nutrition policy are presented. The objective of the survey was to determine what those involved in nutrition planning perceive to be the causes of hunger and malnutrition, and their views on the effectiveness of the programs implemented to overcome these problems. In mid-1979, a questionnaire was compiled comprising 48 questions related to attitudes towards nutrition policy, voluntary questions about social class, political classification and professional behavior and a question on perceived major impediments to solving malnutrition in the world. The questionnaire was sent to 728 professionals 87 countries; 250 replies from 55 countries; 250 replies from 55 countries were received. 44% of respondents resided in the US, 16% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 14% in the Far East, 12% in Africa and the Middle East and 13% in Europe, Canada and Australasia. Self-classification of political beliefs is the most clear cut correlate in predicting attitudes towards food and nutrition policy. There appear to be 2 clear schools of scientific/political behavior in the sample: one holds a more moderate, but generally liberal, set of views regarding the failure of modern technology in resolving world hunger and nutrition problems; a 2nd more liberal group believes political causes to be at the root of hunger. There is no single profession that can be typified as a breeding ground for nutrition planners. While the European trained and/or native group tends to be more to the left in their attitudes than their counterparts in the US, both groups are decidedly liberal and believe that social structural changes are needed to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition in the world.



介绍了营养规划专业人员对营养政策态度的全球调查结果。调查的目的是确定参与营养规划的人员认为造成饥饿和营养不良的原因是什么,以及他们对为克服这些问题而实施的计划有效性的看法。1979 年年中,编制了一份调查问卷,包括与对营养政策的态度有关的 48 个问题、关于社会阶层、政治分类和职业行为的自愿问题以及关于解决世界营养不良问题的主要障碍的问题。问卷发送给 87 个国家的 728 名专业人士;来自 55 个国家的 250 份回复;收到了来自 55 个国家的 250 份答复。44% 的受访者居住在美国,拉丁美洲和加勒比地区为 16%,远东为 14%,非洲和中东为 12%,欧洲、加拿大和澳大拉西亚为 13%。政治信仰的自我分类是预测对食品和营养政策态度的最明确的相关因素。样本中似乎有两个明确的科学/政治行为学派:一个对现代技术在解决世界饥饿和营养问题方面的失败持更温和但总体上是自由的观点;第二个更自由的团体认为政治原因是饥饿的根源。没有哪个职业可以作为营养规划师的温床。虽然欧洲受过训练的和/或本土群体的态度往往比他们在美国的同行更偏左,