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Socio-economic status and puberty are the main factors determining anaemia in adolescent girls and boys in East Java, Indonesia.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2001-10-20 , DOI: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601247
D D Soekarjo 1 , S de Pee , M W Bloem , R Tjiong , R Yip , W H Schreurs , Muhilal

OBJECTIVE To determine prevalence and contributing factors of anaemia in adolescents. DESIGN Cross-sectional study of anaemia prevalence, socio-economic status and puberty. SETTING Schools in East Java, Indonesia. SUBJECTS Male and female adolescent pupils (age 12-15 y; n=6486). RESULTS Anaemia prevalence was 25.8% among girls (n=3486), 24.5% among pre-pubertal boys (n=821), and 12.1% among pubertal boys (n=2179). Socio-economic status, indicated by type of school attended, was an important factor determining the risk of anaemia. Girls had a higher risk when they attended a poor school (OR poorest school, 1.00; other schools, 0.67-0.87), had reached puberty (OR, 1.25), had lower retinol intake (OR 1st-4th quartiles-1.00, 0.97, 0.89, 0.77) and higher vitamin A intake from plant sources (OR 1st-4th quartiles-1.00, 1.10, 1.31, 1.04). Boys had a higher risk of anaemia when they attended a poor school (OR poorest school 1.00, other schools 0.54-0.63), were younger (OR per year=0.79), had not yet reached puberty (OR not yet, 1.00; already, 0.78), were shorter (OR per cm 0.95), had smaller mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) (OR per mm 0.99) and lower retinol intake (OR 1st-4th quartile 1.00, 0.67, 0.74, 0.68). CONCLUSIONS Anaemia in adolescents should be reported separately for pre-pubertal and pubertal subjects and for different ages, and the population's socio-economic status should be specified. The results of this survey call for treatment of anaemia in adolescents. Given Indonesia's current situation, micronutrient intake of adolescents should be increased using supplements for all girls and for pre-pubertal boys. SPONSORSHIP This survey was funded by USAID through the OMNI project.



目的确定青少年贫血的患病率及其影响因素。设计贫血患病率,社会经济状况和青春期的横断面研究。地点印度尼西亚东爪哇的学校。对象男女青少年(年龄12-15岁; n = 6486)。结果贫血患病率在女孩中为25.8%(n = 3486),在青春期前男孩中为24.5%(n = 821),在青春期男孩中为12.1%(n = 2179)。以就读学校的类型表示的社会经济状况是决定贫血风险的重要因素。女孩在贫穷学校上学的风险更高(或最贫穷的学校为1.00;其他学校为0.67-0.87),达到青春期(OR为1.25),视黄醇摄入量较低(OR 1-4分位数为1.00,0.97,从植物中摄取的维生素A含量分别为0.89、0.77和更高(或1至4四分位数1.00、1.10、1.31、1.04)。当男孩上一所贫穷的学校(或最贫穷的学校1.00,其他学校0.54-0.63),年龄更小(或每年= 0.79),尚未达到青春期(或尚未达到1.00)时,患贫血的风险较高。 0.78)较短(OR每厘米0.95),较小的上臂中部围(MUAC)(OR每毫米0.99)和较低的视黄醇摄入(OR第1至第4四分位数1.00、0.67、0.74、0.68)。结论应针对青春期前和青春期受试者以及不同年龄分别报告青少年贫血,并应说明人群的社会经济状况。这项调查的结果要求治疗青少年贫血。鉴于印度尼西亚目前的状况,应通过对所有女孩和青春期前男孩使用补充剂来增加青少年的微量营养素摄入。