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Experiences in the Gulf of Mexico: Overcoming Obstacles for Commercial Fishing Occupational Safety and Health Research.
Journal of Agromedicine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-09 , DOI: 10.1080/1059924x.2019.1639577
Jeffrey Levin 1 , Ann Carruth 2 , Thu Bui 3 , Robert Perkins 4 , Karen Gilmore 1 , Amanda Wickman 1

Researchers involved in community-based participatory research often face challenges due to numerous dynamic factors, including the physical location of the study population, willingness to participate, language barriers, cultural norms, social stigmas, and unpredictable weather and other disasters. Investigators who work with commercial fishermen are all too familiar with these potential obstacles and barriers to performing occupational safety and health research. Such has been the case along the Texas and Louisiana gulf coasts, where the burden of occupational fatalities in the shrimp fishery remains high. Moreover, the need for strategic community, regulatory agency, and research partnerships in order to explore solutions that can help to reduce this burden is ongoing. The IFISH 5 conference and the panel session described in this brief report offered a venue to acknowledge and create awareness of these barriers and opportunities for developing sustainable solutions that can have an impact on this loss of life. The approach taken was to explore the perspectives of a panel of regional collaborators including two researchers, an outreach community liaison, and a marine safety and health official from the U. S. Coast Guard. Key barriers emerging from the panel fell into four themes, each emphasized by one of the four panel members, allowing for discussion of potential solutions. The themes included: (1) language gap; (2) cultural influences and use of personal flotation devices; (3) relationships with the community; and (4) enforcement agency role as a trusted opinion leader. This panel session can readily serve as a model to promote similar exploration of barriers and solutions in commercial fishing across other regions of the US and internationally as well.



由于众多动态因素,包括基于研究人群的地理位置,参与意愿,语言障碍,文化规范,社会污名,不可预测的天气和其他灾害,参与基于社区的参与研究的研究人员经常面临挑战。与商业渔民一起工作的调查人员对执行职业安全和健康研究的这些潜在障碍和障碍都太熟悉了。得克萨斯州和路易斯安那州海湾沿岸的情况就是如此,那里虾类渔业的职业死亡负担仍然很高。此外,对战略社区,监管机构和研究伙伴关系的需求正在不断探索,以寻求有助于减轻这种负担的解决方案。本简要报告中所述的IFISH 5会议和小组会议提供了一个场所,供人们认识并认识到这些障碍和机会,以开发可能对这种生命损失产生影响的可持续解决方案。采取的方法是探索区域合作者小组的观点,该小组包括两名研究人员,一个外展社区联络员以及美国海岸警卫队的一名海上安全与卫生官员。小组中出现的主要障碍分为四个主题,四个小组成员之一强调了每个主题,从而可以讨论潜在的解决方案。主题包括:(1)语言差距;(二)文化影响和个人漂浮装置的使用;(三)与社区的关系;(4)执法机构作为可信赖的意见领袖。
